THAT Council receives for information, the report from Integrated Transportation dated June 27, 2022, with respect to Abbott and Casorso 3 (KLO to Lanfranco) Active Transportation Corridors;
AND THAT the 2022 Financial Plan be amended to increase the Abbott DCC Protected Bike Lanes (3473) project budget by $380,026 with funding of $320,704 from the Community Works Fund (R837) and $59,322 from the DCC Sector I (R749) reserve;
AND FURTHER THAT the 2022 Financial Plan be amended to increase the Casorso 3 DCC ATC (356002A) project budget by $502,798 with funding of $390,674 from the Community Works Fund (R837) and $112,124 from the DCC Sector I (R749) reserve.