City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the syilx/Okanagan people.

This meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record.  A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.​

Regular PM Meeting - May 27, 2019

To adopt Bylaw No. 11724 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM1 – Four Dwelling Housing zone.

To extend the deadline for adoption of the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 11641 and Rezoning Bylaw No. 11642 to August 14, 2020.

To consider a Development Permit Application related to the form and character of a proposed 24-unit multi-family development.

Requires a majority of all members of Council (5).
To adopt Bylaw No. 11781 in order to change the future land use designation of the subject properties as per Map A.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11785  in order to rezone the subject properties as per Map B.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11817 in order to rezone the subject property from the C10 - Service Commercial zone to the C10rcs - Service Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To amend the Subdivision, Development & Servicing Bylaw to provide greater clarity regarding residential driveway access as it relates to existing and future Active Transportation Corridors.

For Council to endorse the execution of a Latecomer Agreement for the recovery of developer-funded costs for Excess or Extended Services, and to consider delegating authority for smaller Agreements.

For Council's consideration to endorse the proposed 2019 Deferred Revenue Project Package to leverage funds accumulated for incomplete City works projects.

To provide Council with a report on the status of the Okanagan Rail Trail and the activities of the Okanagan Rail Trail Committee.

To establish new policies relating to Community and Event Support grants administered by the Active Living & Culture Division, and to rescind former policies.

To consider amendments to Council Procedures Bylaw No. 9200.

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