City of KelownaRegular Council MeetingAGENDATuesday, May 31, 2022 7:20 P.m. - 7:20 P.m.Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to Order 2.Reaffirmation of Oath of Office The Oath of Office will be read by Councillor DeHart.3.Confirmation of Minutes 1.Draft Minutes - Public Hearing - May 10, 2022.pdf2.DRAFT Minutes - Regular Meeting, May 10, 2022.pdfPublic Hearing - May 10, 2022Regular Meeting - May 10, 20224.Liquor License Application Reports Mayor to invite anyone participating online or in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the liquor license application to come forward.4.1START TIME 7:20 PM - Dilworth Dr 1865 - LL22-0003 - R 252 Enterprises Ltd., Inc. No. 480003 1.Dilworth Dr 1865 - LL22-0003 - R 252 Enterprises Ltd., Inc. No. 480003.pdf2.Council Attachements.pdf3.1865 Dilworth LL22-0003.pdfTo seek Council’s support for a new Liquor Primary License for a personal service establishment with an occupant load of 30 persons.5.Development Permit and Development Variance Permit Reports Mayor to invite anyone participating online or in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward for each item.5.1START TIME - 7:20 PM - Gallagher Road 2980, BL12042 (Z20-0021) - Kirschner Mountain Development Inc 1.BL12042 Z20-0021 Gallagher Rd 2980.pdfTo amend at third reading and adopt Bylaw No.12042 in order to rezone a portion of the subject property from the A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the RH3 - Hillside Cluster Housing zone. 5.2START TIME 7:20 PM - Gallagher Road 2980 - DP20-0083_DVP20-0084 Kirschner Mountain Development Inc 1.Gallagher Road 2980 - DP20-0083_DVP20-0084 Kirschner Mountain Development Inc.pdf2.DP20-0083 - Schedule A_B and C.pdf3.DP20-0083 - Attachment A - Draft Development and Development Variance Permit No. DP20-0083_DVP20-0084.pdf4.DP20-0083 - Attachment B - Guidelines Checklist - Chapter 3 Townhouses and Infill.pdf5.DP20-0083 - Attachment C - Applicant Rationale and Renderings.pdf6.DP20-0083_DVP20-0084 - 2980 Gallagher Road - STAFF.pdfTo consider a form and character of a multi-family residential development and to consider variances to the maximum height of a principle building and minimum front yard setback.5.3START TIME 8:00 PM - Rutland Rd 155 -179 - BL12325 (TA21-0017) - ASI CENTRAL GP INC., INC.NO. A0117887 1.BL12325 TA21-0017 Rutland Rd N 155-179.pdfTo amend Bylaw No. 12325 at third reading and adopt in order to increase the maximum density and maximum height in the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone for the subject properties. 5.4START TIME 8:00 PM - Rutland Rd N 155-179, DP21-0223 DVP21-0224 - ASI Central GP Inc, Inc No A0117887 1.Rutland Rd N 155-179, DP21-0223 DVP21-0224 - ASI Central GP Inc, Inc No A0117887.pdf2.Rutland Rd N 155-179, DP21-0223 DVP21-0224 - Attachment Package.pdf3.Rutland Rd N 155-179, DP21-0223 DVP21-0224 - STAFF.pdfTo issue a Development Permit for the form and character of a mixed-use building and to issue a Development Variance Permit to vary the requirement for any portion of a building above 16.0 m or 4 storeys in height to be setback a minimum 3.0 m from all sides.5.5START TIME 8:00 PM - Findlay Rd 1225 - BL12323 (Z21-0088) - Findlay Development Inc., Inc.No. BC1302254 1.BL12323 Z21-0088 Findlay Rd 1225.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 12323 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RM3 - Low Density Multiple Housing zone. 5.6START TIME 8:00 PM - Findlay Rd 1225 - DP21-0207 DVP21-0208 - Findlay Development Inc, Inc No BC1302254 1.Findlay Rd 1225 - DP21-0207 DVP21-0208 - Findlay Development Inc, Inc No BC1302254.pdf2.Findlay Rd 1225, DP21-0207 DVP21-0208 - Attachment Package.pdf3.Findlay Rd 1225, DP21-0207 DVP21-0208 - STAFF.pdf4.Findlay Rd 1225 - DP21-0207 DVP21-0208- APPLICANT.pdfTo issue a Development Permit for the form and character of a multiple dwelling housing development and to issue a Development Variance Permit to vary the maximum building site coverage and minimum required site rear yard.5.7START TIME 8:00 PM - Enterprise Way 2002 - DVP22-0050 - Telus Communications Inc., Inc. No. BC1101218 1.Enterprise Way 2002 - DVP22-0050 - Telus Communications Inc., Inc. No. BC1101218.pdf2.Enterprise 2002 DVP22-0050_Attachment.pdf3.Enterprise Way 2002 - DVP22-0050 - STAFF.pdf4.2002 Enterprise Way - DVP22-0050 – APPLICANT.pdfTo review a Staff recommendation to NOT issue a Development Variance Permit to vary the maximum size of an electronic message centre on the subject property.6.Reminders 7.Termination No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.BL12323 Z21-0088 Findlay Rd 1225.pdf1.Findlay Rd 1225 - DP21-0207 DVP21-0208 - Findlay Development Inc, Inc No BC1302254.pdf2.Findlay Rd 1225, DP21-0207 DVP21-0208 - Attachment Package.pdf3.Findlay Rd 1225, DP21-0207 DVP21-0208 - STAFF.pdf4.Findlay Rd 1225 - DP21-0207 DVP21-0208- APPLICANT.pdf1.Enterprise Way 2002 - DVP22-0050 - Telus Communications Inc., Inc. No. BC1101218.pdf2.Enterprise 2002 DVP22-0050_Attachment.pdf3.Enterprise Way 2002 - DVP22-0050 - STAFF.pdf4.2002 Enterprise Way - DVP22-0050 – APPLICANT.pdf1.Dilworth Dr 1865 - LL22-0003 - R 252 Enterprises Ltd., Inc. No. 480003.pdf2.Council Attachements.pdf3.1865 Dilworth LL22-0003.pdf1.BL12042 Z20-0021 Gallagher Rd 2980.pdf1.Gallagher Road 2980 - DP20-0083_DVP20-0084 Kirschner Mountain Development Inc.pdf2.DP20-0083 - Schedule A_B and C.pdf3.DP20-0083 - Attachment A - Draft Development and Development Variance Permit No. DP20-0083_DVP20-0084.pdf4.DP20-0083 - Attachment B - Guidelines Checklist - Chapter 3 Townhouses and Infill.pdf5.DP20-0083 - Attachment C - Applicant Rationale and Renderings.pdf6.DP20-0083_DVP20-0084 - 2980 Gallagher Road - STAFF.pdf1.Draft Minutes - Public Hearing - May 10, 2022.pdf2.DRAFT Minutes - Regular Meeting, May 10, 2022.pdf1.BL12325 TA21-0017 Rutland Rd N 155-179.pdf1.Rutland Rd N 155-179, DP21-0223 DVP21-0224 - ASI Central GP Inc, Inc No A0117887.pdf2.Rutland Rd N 155-179, DP21-0223 DVP21-0224 - Attachment Package.pdf3.Rutland Rd N 155-179, DP21-0223 DVP21-0224 - STAFF.pdf