- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.
Dave Cullen CTQ consultants St Paul Street, Applicant representing the owner
- owner currently lives in Kelowna
- interesting aspects of this its changing the density of the neirghbourhood creates a transitions to the start ofthe multi family.
- believes this creates a good buffer between the multi family
Displayed a video of the area.
- rendersings in staff are more accurate to what is being proposed.
- retaining wall is on the west side of Loseth rd, provides a pedesrian path from loseth to greenspace and trail network on kirschner mountain.
- Open green space at back of townhouse site on norht site of Loseth provides connection to trails.
- main elements of variance is the to the setback from the Loseth rd right of way, bringing townhomes closerto the road and in doing that try t o minize amount to cut and adjust backside of townhouse to reduce impact on greenspace behind - reduces impact on lands of greenspace but also helps encourage slower speeds.
- rock cut is a road going into a single family neighbourhood at the top.
- displayed access road that is part of the strata that will service the townhomes
- the height variance is t ype of th we are putting in. garage will be in the middle of the three levels. due to three storye they are narrowwer but very large.
Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
No one participating online indicated they wished to speak.
Brenda Bradley 1250 Verta Vista
walkways and greenspace will increase the traffic and along my propertyline.
when will we be getting our buffer.that has been promised.
Brett Schafer- 2440 Loseth Rd
owned property for just one year.
provided background
overly dense development near luxury development.
will create a tunnel effect and asking for additional height.
raided concerned traffic will be hugely impacted negatively.
- responded to intervenors comments.
buffer has not been created. as land adjacent to her property his for agricultural use.
- amount of density is less than what the ocp and rezoning allowed for. density was reduced to better fit the TH into the site and less intrusion in the greenspace
the road is narrow, staff discussions with staff to date - there will be no parking on this street. fronting the Townhomes.
Single access, will provide an emergency access off of paved portion of loseth road to gallagher road and will be a gated coneection. will provide for emergency services and will allow a full loop from hwy 33.
- Responded to questions from Council.
- Responded to questions from Council
There were no further comments.