City of Kelowna Regular Council Meeting AGENDA Meeting #:Date:Monday, February 19, 2018Time: 1:30 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Location:Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to OrderThis meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record. A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.2.Confirmation of Minutes1.Draft Minutes - Feb 5 2018 PM.pdfPM Meeting - February 5, 20183.Public in Attendance3.1RCMP Quarterly Update - Quarterly Update Review, 20171.RCMP Quarterly Update 02-19-18 reporting for Oct-Dec 2017.pdf2.Report to Council RCMP Feb 19 20108.pdfTo provide Council with an update on the activities of the RCMP for the previous quarter and report on progress toward goals and outcomes in the 2016-2019 Crime Reduction Strategy.3.2Central Okanagan Heritage Society1.RTC Central Okanagan Heritage Society.pdf2.CoKHGP Council Presentation, Feb. 19, 2018.pdf3.CoKHGP Year End Report 2017.pdfAnnual Presentation Council by Tracey Read, Chair of the City of Kelowna Heritage Grants Program Committee4.Development Application Reports & Related Bylaws4.1Tower Ranch Drive OCP17-0002 and Z17-0007 - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc 1.Tower Ranch 1511 and 1501 OCP17-0002 and Z17-0007 Parkbridge and City of Kelowna.pdf2.OCP17-0002 Z17-0007 Tower Ranch 1511 Plan and Dev Eng .pdf3.OCP17-0002 Schedule A.pdf4.Z17-0009 - schedule b.pdf5.Map A OCP Amendment_OCP17-0002 - R3.pdf6.Map B Zone Amendment_Z17-0007 - Jan 2018 R5.pdfTo amend the Official Community Plan to change the future land use designation, and rezone the subject properties, to facilitate the revised development plan for the subject property and proposed additional area for Tower Ranch Mountain Park.4.2Tower Ranch Drive OCP17-0002 (BL11488) - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc1.BL11488 OCP17-0002 Tower Ranch Dr 1511.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11488 first reading in order to change the future land use designations on the subject properties indicated in Schedule A and Map A.4.3Tower Ranch Drive Z17-0007 (BL11489) - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities1.BL11489 Z17-0009 Tower Ranch Dr 1511.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11489 first reading in order to rezone the subject properties as indicated on Schedule B and Map B..4.4Richter St 1304 & 1308, Z17-0104 - Stewart and Danielle Turcotte and Pyper Geddes1.Richter St 1304 1308, Z17-0104 - Stewart Turcotte, Danielle Turcotte, and Pyper Geddes.pdf2.Richter St 1304 1308 Z17-0104 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdfTo rezone the subject property from RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing to RM5 – Medium Density Multiple Housing.4.5Richter St 1304 & 1308, Z17-0104 (BL11553) - Stewart and Danielle Turcotte and Pyper Geddes1.BL11553 Z17-0104 Richter St 1304 and 1308.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11553 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM5 - Medium Density Multiple Housing zone.4.6Mugford Rd 135, HD15-0001 - Okanagan Buddhist Cultural Centre1.Mugford Road 135 HD15-0001 - Okanagan Buddhist Cultural Centre Inc No. S-0061651.pdf2.HD15-0001 Mugford Rd 135 Attachments.pdfTo designate “St. Aidan’s Church” as a municipal heritage building under Section 611 of the Local Government Act.4.7Mugford Rd 135, HD15-0001 (BL11555) - Okanagan Buddhist Cultural Centre1.Bl11555- Heritage Designation - Mugford Rd 135.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11555 first reading in order to designate "St. Aidan's Church" as a municipal heritage building.4.8Neptune Rd 1235 & 1260, OCP17-0014 & Z17-0053 - Davara Holdings Ltd Inc.1.Neptune Rd 1260, Z17-0053 and OCP17-0014, Davara Holdings Ltd.pdf2.Neptune Rd 1260 OCP17-0014 Z17-0053 Attachments.pdfTo amend the Official Community Plan to change the OCP Future Land Use designation and to rezone the subject properties to facilitate the development of Low Density Cluster Housing in the form of a “pocket neighbourhood”.4.9Neptune Rd 1235 & 1260, OCP17-0014 (BL11558) - Davara Holdings Ltd1.BL11558 OCP17-0014 Neptune Rd 1235 1260.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11558 first reading in order to change the future land use designation from the EDINST - Educational/Major Institutional designation to the S2RES - Single/Two Unit Residential designation.4.10Neptune Rd 1235 & 1260, Z17-0053 (BL11559) - Davara Holdings Ltd1.BL11559 Z17-0053 - Neptune Rd 1235 1260.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11559 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RU4 – Low Density Cluster Housing zone.4.11Terai Ct 265, Z17-0111 - Marty and Denise Hoglin1.Terai Ct 265, Z17-0111 - Marty and Denise Hoglin.pdf2.ATTACHMENTS - Terai Ct 265, Z17-0111.pdfTo rezone the subject property from RU1 – Large Lot Housing to RU1c – Large Lot Housing with Carriage House to facilitate the development of a carriage house.4.12Terai Ct 265, Z17-0111 (BL11560) - Marty and Denise Hoglin1.BL11560 Z17-0111 Terai Ct 265.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11560 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c – Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone.4.13Mayfair Rd 935, Z17-0076 - Singla Bros Holdings Ltd, South Okanagan Construction Ltd1.Mayfair Rd 935, Z17-0076 - Single Bros Holdings Ltd, South Okanagan Construction Ltd(1).pdf2.Z17-0076 - Mayfair Rd 935 - Attachments(1).pdfTo rezone the subject property to facilitate the development of two single detached dwellings.4.14Mayfair Rd 935, Z17-0076 (BL11561) - Singla Bros Holdings Ltd, South Okanagan Construction1.BL11561 Z17-0076 Mayfair Rd 935.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11561 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone.4.15Bylaw No.11465 (Z17-0060) – 3050 Sexsmith Road1.BL11465 Z17-0060 Sexsmith Rd 3050.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 11465 in order to rezone the subject property from the A1 - Agriculture zone to the I6 - Low Impact Industrial zone.4.16Sexsmith Rd 3050, DP17-0158 - Plan B Contractors Inc. – Reid Longstaffe1.Sexsmith Rd 3050 DP17-0158 RTC.pdf2.Sexsmith Rd 3050 DP17-0158 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdfTo review the form and character Development Permit for a two-phased, four building industrial development.5.Bylaws for Adoption (Development Related)5.1Raymer Rd 4653, Z15-0013 (BL11458) - Ronald Egert1.BL11458 Z15-0013 Raymer Rd 4653.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 11458 in order to rezone the subject property from the Ru1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU4 - Low Density Cluster Housing zone.5.2Christleton Ave 344, Z17-0102 (BL11539) - Christopher and Sara Eddy1.BL11539 Z17-0102 Christleton Ave 344.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 11539 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c - Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone.6.Non-Development Reports & Related Bylaws6.1Shared Use Agreement with FortisBC1.Shared Use Agreement with FortisBC.pdf2.FortisBC Shared Use Agreement 05 feb 2018.pdfTo enter into a Shared Use Agreement with FortisBC for working on City owned streetlight infrastructure mounted on FortisBC owned utility poles.6.2License Agreement – Bikeshare Pilot Program1.2018 02 19 Reports License of Occupation - Dropbike (Various).pdf2.2018 02 19 Attachment - Schedule A - Final Signed Kelowna Agreement.pdf3.2018 02 19 Attachment - Schedule B - Initial Haven Sites and Service Area.pdf4.2018 02 19 Attachment - Schedule C - PowerPoint.pdfTo obtain Council support in entering into an 18-month License Agreement with Dropbike Inc. in order to formalize the use of City property during the bikeshare pilot project.6.3Rutland Centennial Park Development1.Rutland Centennial Park Development.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Phase 3 Concept Plan.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Phased Master Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Rutland Centennial Park Development - Presentation.pdfTo bring forward costing implications, prior to final budget, for Rutland Centennial Park Phase 3, and information on Phase 4 as requested by Council.6.4Canada 150 Review1.2018-02-19 Report Canada 150.pdf2.2018-02-19 Presentation Canada 150.pdfTo provide Council with a summary of the events and initiatives that took place in 2017 to commemorate Canada’s sesquicentennial in Kelowna.6.5Road Closure Adjacent to 210 Lougheed Road1.2018 02 19 Report - Road Closure Adjacent to 210 Lougheed Road.pdf2.2018 02 19 Attachent - Schedule A - Survey.pdfTo dispose of an excess 102.7 square meter portion of roadway adjacent to 210 Lougheed Road.6.6BL11556 - Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication - Portion of Lougheed Road1.BL11556 Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Lougheed Rd.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11556 first, second and third readings in order to authorize the City to permanently close and remove the highway dedication of a portion of highway on Lougheed Road.7.Mayor and Councillor Items8.TerminationNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Tower Ranch 1511 and 1501 OCP17-0002 and Z17-0007 Parkbridge and City of Kelowna.pdf2.OCP17-0002 Z17-0007 Tower Ranch 1511 Plan and Dev Eng .pdf3.OCP17-0002 Schedule A.pdf4.Z17-0009 - schedule b.pdf5.Map A OCP Amendment_OCP17-0002 - R3.pdf6.Map B Zone Amendment_Z17-0007 - Jan 2018 R5.pdf1.Richter St 1304 1308, Z17-0104 - Stewart Turcotte, Danielle Turcotte, and Pyper Geddes.pdf2.Richter St 1304 1308 Z17-0104 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdf1.BL11488 OCP17-0002 Tower Ranch Dr 1511.pdf1.BL11489 Z17-0009 Tower Ranch Dr 1511.pdf1.Mugford Road 135 HD15-0001 - Okanagan Buddhist Cultural Centre Inc No. S-0061651.pdf2.HD15-0001 Mugford Rd 135 Attachments.pdf1.Bl11555- Heritage Designation - Mugford Rd 135.pdf1.Neptune Rd 1260, Z17-0053 and OCP17-0014, Davara Holdings Ltd.pdf2.Neptune Rd 1260 OCP17-0014 Z17-0053 Attachments.pdf1.BL11559 Z17-0053 - Neptune Rd 1235 1260.pdf1.BL11558 OCP17-0014 Neptune Rd 1235 1260.pdf1.Terai Ct 265, Z17-0111 - Marty and Denise Hoglin.pdf2.ATTACHMENTS - Terai Ct 265, Z17-0111.pdf1.BL11560 Z17-0111 Terai Ct 265.pdf1.Mayfair Rd 935, Z17-0076 - Single Bros Holdings Ltd, South Okanagan Construction Ltd(1).pdf2.Z17-0076 - Mayfair Rd 935 - Attachments(1).pdf1.BL11561 Z17-0076 Mayfair Rd 935.pdf1.Shared Use Agreement with FortisBC.pdf2.FortisBC Shared Use Agreement 05 feb 2018.pdf1.BL11553 Z17-0104 Richter St 1304 and 1308.pdf1.Sexsmith Rd 3050 DP17-0158 RTC.pdf2.Sexsmith Rd 3050 DP17-0158 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdf1.BL11465 Z17-0060 Sexsmith Rd 3050.pdf1.BL11539 Z17-0102 Christleton Ave 344.pdf1.2018 02 19 Report - Road Closure Adjacent to 210 Lougheed Road.pdf2.2018 02 19 Attachent - Schedule A - Survey.pdf1.BL11556 Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Lougheed Rd.pdf1.Rutland Centennial Park Development.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Phase 3 Concept Plan.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Phased Master Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Rutland Centennial Park Development - Presentation.pdf1.BL11458 Z15-0013 Raymer Rd 4653.pdf1.2018 02 19 Reports License of Occupation - Dropbike (Various).pdf2.2018 02 19 Attachment - Schedule A - Final Signed Kelowna Agreement.pdf3.2018 02 19 Attachment - Schedule B - Initial Haven Sites and Service Area.pdf4.2018 02 19 Attachment - Schedule C - PowerPoint.pdf1.2018-02-19 Report Canada 150.pdf2.2018-02-19 Presentation Canada 150.pdf1.Draft Minutes - Feb 5 2018 PM.pdf1.RCMP Quarterly Update 02-19-18 reporting for Oct-Dec 2017.pdf2.Report to Council RCMP Feb 19 20108.pdf1.RTC Central Okanagan Heritage Society.pdf2.CoKHGP Council Presentation, Feb. 19, 2018.pdf3.CoKHGP Year End Report 2017.pdf