- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.
Kevin Edgecombw 2275 KLO Road, Applicant,
-. Intentions to rezone property to c4 which we believe is in keeping with the intended future land use of the area.
- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation.
-Quick overview, will speak to background, neighbourhood consultation, C4 zone benefits to the Community and density in urban centers, parking analysis, and the evolution of 417 Cedar Avenue
- Positive group attended the consultation. Noted some concerns and positive feedback. Parking was a big concern, however we have met the parking bylaw.
- Believe project and site location does fit with the 2030 OCP and fits better into the Draft 2040 OCP. Benefits of C4 are great, meets long range planning initiatives and an opportunity to rejuvenate stagnet area
- Very much our desire to acquire with neighbour to the east, would have liked a larger opportunity but happy with small nature of infill dynamic.
- added long term bicycle stalls, 17 stalls which exceeds parking bylaw by one. 3 units will not have parking stalls, but provides opportunity for people to buy as those units are less expensive. Worked hard to make the parkade work.
- Evolution of 417 Cedar Avenue has faced many challenges. Spoke to design enhancements. Building is very attractive 1 and 2 bedroom homes, boutique style location. Most units have 4 units, each unit has large deck with open space. Units that range from mid 500 to 1000 square feet.
Spoke to roof top amenity and landscape plan
Spoke to the 6 variances being requested.
- Reduced massing on parkade levels, created infill to reduce concrete wall appearance,
- In summary, very unique and creative infill development and attainable homes in the South Pandosy area.
- Responded to questions from Council.
Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
Online Participants:
Robert Stupka, 3565 Scott Road
- Generally supportive of development and concept for the neighbourhood.
- this project is on cedar Avenue which is a primary corridor to Pandosy waterfront park. Orientation to units to the east and west facing. Conextt under which (no issues with building at all) very critical intersection, what is the vision for this corridor, extra wide sidewalks? Ethel bike corridor going in behind college, question with variance on front yard setback, how much setback and right away does city have for wide sidewalks and landscaping as well consideration for entertaining this corridor to college and Ethel corridor as well. Displayed image of first property to be developed, important to understand what that vision is. Very little parking at waterfront park, is there street parking along cedar avenue. will parking be available or not? what is the vision and opportunity do we have at this intersection. Provided a rendering of the project. to Cedar Ave Beach access and Meikle Avenue beach access. What will the integration look like to the surrounding properties. This project has a single story parkade, a larger podium will be facing this project.
Kevin Edgecombe, Applicant in response
- Overall plan and modelling tool is a great idea. Interested in working in this neighbourhood and best to know what it will look like in the future. a 2 storey pedestal may be near to another (window to window situation) fact of like that it will happen as time goes on. Fuel Station an McDonalds will be there for a long time. we could be starring at 2 or 3 storey pedestal. Unsure what will happen to the west of the building. Not marketing view corridors on this project. this project and product will be something suitable in the urban environment it is located in.
- Responded to questions from Council.
There were no further comments.