City of Kelowna
Regular Council Meeting

Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the syilx/Okanagan people.

In accordance with the most recent Provincial Health Officer Order regarding gatherings and events, the public is currently not permitted to attend Council meetings in-person.  As an open meeting, a live audio-video feed is being broadcast and recorded on

The Mayor to invite the Applicant, or Applicant's Representative, to participate online.

To consider a staff recommendation to NOT support a site-specific text amendment to allow for a retail cannabis sales establishment within 500 metres of other establishments and within 150 metres of Kasugai Gardens and NOT support an application to rezone the subject property from the C7 – Central Business Commercial zone to the C7rcs – Central Business Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

The Mayor to invite the Applicant, or Applicant's Representative, to participate online.

To consider a staff recommendation to NOT support a site-specific text amendment to allow for a retail cannabis sales establishment within 500 metres of other establishments and within 150 metres of City Park and 150 metres of Stuart Park and NOT support an application to rezone the subject property from the C7 – Central Business Commercial zone to the C7rcs – Central Business Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 12211 first reading in order to proceed with Early Termination of Land Use Contract LUC77-1085.

To give Bylaw No. 12212 first reading in order to rezone the subject properties as identified in the attached Schedules. 

To amend the Official Community Plan designation from the EDINST - Educational/Major Institutional to the S2RES – Single/Two Unit Residential and PARK – Major Park/Open Space (public) designations and to consider a Text Amendment application to the Kettle Valley CD-2 zone, for 410 Providence Ave to go from the Kettle Valley CD-2 from Type III or IV to Type V, Type V to Type III or IV and Type VI to Type III or IV to accommodate a future subdivision of single family homes.

Requires a majority of all members of Council (5)

To give Bylaw No. 12229 first reading in order to amend the Official Community Plan designation for the subject property from the EDINST - Educational/Major Institutional to the S2RES – Single/Two Unit Residential and PARK – Major Park/Open Space (public) designations.

To give Bylaw No. 12230 first reading to consider a Text Amendment application to the Kettle Valley CD-2 zone, for 410 Providence Ave to go from the Kettle Valley CD-2 from Type III or IV to Type V, Type V to Type III or IV and Type VI to Type III or IV.

To proceed with the early termination of LUC76-1103 and to revert the parcel to the underlying C2rls – Neighbourhood Commercial (Retail Liquor Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 12234 first reading in order to proceed with early termination of Land Use Contract LUC76-1103.

To proceed with the early termination of LUC76-1056 and to revert the parcel to the underlying I2 – General Industrial zone.

To give Bylaw No. 12235 first reading in order to proceed with early termination of Land Use Contract LUC76-1056.

To give Bylaw No. 12237 first reading in order to proceed with early termination of Land Use Contract LUC76-1108.

To consider a rezoning application to rezone the property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low- Impact Transitional Industrial zone, and to waive the Public Hearing.

To give Bylaw No. 12238 first reading in order to rezone the property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low- Impact Transitional Industrial zone.

To give Bylaw No. 12239 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c – Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone.

To consider an application to rezone the subject properties from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing and RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zones to the C4 – Urban Centre Commercial zone to facilitate the development of Multiple Dwelling Housing.

To consider a request to remove the property at 180 Highway 33 East from the Kelowna Heritage Register.

To meet legislated reporting requirement for annual financial reporting, showcase City services, programs and projects, and provide contextual information for the data contained in the Statement of Financial Information report.

To provide Council with options for additional restrictions for shared e-scooters, including the steps to cancel the e-scooter program, if desired

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