City of Kelowna
Regular Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the syilx/Okanagan people.

This meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record.  A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.​

Regular PM Meeting - December 2, 2019

To consider an application to the Agricultural Land Commission for a Subdivision for the purpose of a Homesite Severance.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11950 in order to rezone the subject property from the C2 - Neighbourhood Commercial zone to the C10 - Service Commercial zone.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11953 in order to rezone the subject property from the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone to the C4rcs- Urban Centre Commercial (retail cannabis sales) zone.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11959 in order to amend the City of Kelowna Zoning Bylaw No. 8000 as outlined in Schedule 'A'.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11960 in order to rezone the subject property from the C7- Central Business Commercial zone to the C7rcs- Central Business Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To provide Council with a summary of the feedback received as part of the public engagement for Phase 3 of 2040 Official Community Plan Update process and to obtain Council’s direction to commence preliminary infrastructure impact analysis of the draft future land use map.

To provide Council an opportunity to review the results of the two-year Dog Beach Trial at Lake Avenue and to make a determination about the future of the dog beach in this location.

To amend the Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw 7900 Design and Construction Standards so it aligns with industry best practice and ensure construction of high quality and long-lasting infrastructure. To update the Engineering Drawing Submission requirements.

To give Bylaw No. 11913 first, second and third reading to amend the Subdivision, Development and Servicing Bylaw No. 7900.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11955 in order to authorize the City of Kelowna to enter into a Housing Agreement with West Avenue - Mission Group Rentals Ltd., Inc No. BC1151526.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11956 in order to authorize the City of Kelowna to enter into a Housing Agreement with Whitworth Holdings Ltd., Inc No. BC1059455.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11958 in order to authorize the City of Kelowna to enter into a Housing Agreement with Culos Development (1996) Inc., Inc. No. BC1099204.

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