City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Monday, April 18, 2016
1:30 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

Visited1.Call to Order

This meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record.  A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.

Visited3.1BL11192 (TA15-0015) - Amendment to Section 13 - Urban Residential Zones, 13.6 RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing ZoneAttachment Icon

To adopt Bylaw No. 11192 in order to amend the City of Kelowna's Zoning Bylaw to allow duplex units with party wall agreements, develop provisions for small lot duplex housing on a pilot project basis and remove mention of the unused RU6h zone.

Visited4.2BL11233 - Amendment No. 5 to Development Application Fee Bylaw No. 10560Attachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11233 first, second and third readings in order to amend the City's Development Application Fee Bylaw.

Visited4.5BL11212 - Amendment No. 7 to Water Regulation Bylaw No. 10480Attachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11212 first, second and third readings in order to amend the City's Water Regulation Bylaw.

Visited4.6BL11216 - Amendment No. 16 to Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 10475Attachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11216 first, second and third readings in order to amend the City's Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw.

Visited4.7Okanagan Rail Trail – Trail Development Plan (Progress Update)Attachment Icon

To seek support of Council for the Trail Development Plan for the Okanagan Rail Trail corridor, as described in the attached report prepared by Urban Systems et al for the Inter-jurisdictional Development Team.  (Due to file side limitation, the supporting technical report does not include the maps and graphics provided in the report's appendices.)

Visited4.8Okanagan Rail Trail – Fundraising PlanAttachment Icon
To seek support of Council for the Fundraising Plan for the Okanagan Rail Trail corridor, as described in the attached report prepared by the Okanagan Rail Trail Initiative.
Visited4.9315 Lawrence Avenue, Assignment of Lease - Wine & Art Kelowna Inc.Attachment Icon
That Council approve the Assignment of Lease from Wine & Art Kelowna Inc. to Wine & Art Kelowna (2016) Inc. for City-owned commercial premises located in the Chapman Parkade at 315 Lawrence Avenue.
Visited4.102016 Tax Distribution PolicyAttachment Icon
To establish tax class ratios that will be used in the preparation of the 2016 tax rates.
Visited4.112030 Infrastructure PlanAttachment Icon
To provide Council with the 2030 Infrastructure Plan for their review and adoption and to detail the impacts to the 2030 Infrastructure Plan of advancing the construction timing of the Glenmore Fire Hall (Station 5) by 5 years from 2022-24 to 2017-19.
Visited5.2BL11213 - Amendment No. 1 to Five Year Financial Plan 2015-2019 Bylaw No. 11088Attachment Icon

To adopt Bylaw No. 11213 in order to amend the City's Five Year Finance Plan 2015-2019 Bylaw.

Visited5.31525 Dickson Road (Portion of), BL11224 - Road Closure BylawAttachment Icon

Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the proposed road closure to come forward.
To adopt Bylaw No. 11224 in order to authorize the City to permanently close and remove the highway dedication of a portion of highway on Dickson Avenue.

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