- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and providing rationale for non-support and responded to questions from Council.
Maria (and Trent) Kitsch, Applicant/part owner
- Thanked staff for presentation was unaware it was possible to have this in another location.
- requesting not where that site is becuase it could have a house . born and raised in Kelowna and tryingto do whats best for Kelowna.
what is being proposed is a special thing, Majority of neighbours are very supportive.
- wanted to say thank you and can answer questions
Sydney Platts, Vetiniary Tech Foundor of this organization, 3739 Casorso Road
- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation.
- Spoke to the need of such a clinic noting there is no organization in Kelowna that treats injured or orphaned wildlife.
- Spoke to concerns raised noting that the size and shape of the subject property would not mitigate the risks of nuisance to neighbouring properties; there will be no increase of traffic as we are not open to the public and have only 1 to 3 people on site at a time.
- The site location and scope of building will not have an adverse impact on the ecology of the site.
- Displayed a map of the proposed wildlife rehab site location within a large cleared area in the central bowl and not the over steepened slope referenced in the staff report.
- Displayed a photo of the Central Bowl that was cleared by the previous owner and required no slope work.
- Tote Road has already been constructed and will be utilized for the gravel driveway.
- Believes that working with pre-existing conditions and using temporary structures will have little impact; it is the ecology of the site that makes it so we-suited to this project and rehabiliation of wildlife animals.
- Displayed photos of Tote Road cleared of trees; area where we would put in a small culvert for waterway to be added and the entrance to Central Bowl.
Site location approved by Egro
-Responded to questions from Council.
Planning to be in central bowl larger clear area. - small mobile structure in the centre bowl.
Maria Kitsch and Guy;
- Place of where house could be and this could be are very far apart. do not who else in kelowna would want to offer this.
- added a couple of points around the narrow width, the lot in its dimension is long and narrow, huydndres of feet away from roads and neibhorus.
- Invested heavily for environmental and geotechnical impacts report and both professionals have said this is a suitable area.
- Responded to questions from Council.
- Responded to questions from Council.