City of KelownaRegular Council MeetingAGENDATuesday, May 10, 2022 6:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to Order 2.Reaffirmation of Oath of Office The Oath of Office will be read by Councillor Wooldridge.3.Confirmation of Minutes 1.Draft Minutes - April 12 2022 Reg.pdfRegular Tuesday Meeting - April 12, 20224.Liquor License Application Reports Mayor to invite anyone participating online or in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the liquor license application to come forward..4.1START TIME 6:00 PM - Bernard Ave 353 - LL22-0001 - 1299853 B.C. LTD., INC.NO. BC1303098 1.Bernard Ave 353 - LL22-0001 - 1299853 B.C. LTD., INC.NO. BC1303098.pdf2.Bernard Ave 353 - LL22-0001 - Attachments.pdf3.Bernard Ave 353 - LL22-0001 - STAFF.pdfTo amend a Liquor Primary License for a liquor primary establishment with an occupant load of 333 persons.5.Development Permit and Development Variance Permit Reports Mayor to invite anyone participating online or in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward for each item.5.1START TIME 6:00 PM - Cambridge Ave 651 - BL12313 (Z21-0085) - Provincial Rental Housing Corporation, In. No. BC0052129 1.BL12313 Z21-0085 Cambridge Ave 651.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 12313 in order to rezone the subject property from the RM3 – Low Density Multiple Housing & RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zones to the RM3r – Low Density Multiple Housing (Residential Rental Tenure Only) zone.5.2START TIME 6:00 PM - Cambridge Ave 651 - DP20-0182 DVP20-0183 - Provincial Rental Housing Corporation, Inc.No. BC0052129 1.Cambridge Ave 651 - DP20-0182 DVP20-0183 - Provincial Rental Housing Corporation, Inc.No. BC0052129.pdf2.CambridgeAve651_DP20-0182-DVP20-0183_Attachments.docx.pdf3.CambridgeAve651 - DP20-0182 DVP20-0183 - STAFF.pdf4.DP20-0182 DVP20-0183 651 Cambridge - APPLICANT.pdfTo issue a Development Permit for the form and character of a new multi-family development and to issue a Development Variance Permit to vary parking, setbacks, height, and site coverage.5.3START TIME 6:45 PM - 2339-2397 Hwy 97 N - DP21-0155 DVP21-0272 - Dilworth Shopping Centre Ltd., Inc No. 319846 1.DP21-0155 DVP21-0272 - 2339-2397 Hwy 97N - Dilworth Shopping Centre Ltd., Inc No. 319846.pdf2.DP21-0155 - Attachments A_ B and C.pdf3.DP21-0155 - Schedule A - Dimensions and Siting - Buildings 1a and 1b.pdf4.DP21-0155 - Schedule A - Dimensions and Siting - Buildings 2a and 2b_reduced.pdf5.DP21-0155 - Schedule B.pdf6.DP21-0155 - Schedule C - Landscaping - Buildings 1a and 1b_reduced.pdf7.DP21-0155 - Schedule C - Landscaping - Buildings 2a and 2b_reduced.pdf8.DP21-0155_DVP21-0272 - 2339 Hwy97 N- STAFF.pdf9.DP21-0155 DVP21-0272 - 2339 Hwy 97 N - APPLICANT.pdfTo issue a Development Permit for the form and character of a residential and commercial mixed-use development and a Development Variance Permit to decrease the minimum commercial space on the first floor fronting an arterial road from 90% to 16.3%.5.4START TIME 6:45 PM - Crosby Rd 1786 - DVP22-0007 - Alfonso Reda and Cheryl Elaine Reda 1.Crosby Rd 1786 - DVP22-0007 - Alfonso Reda and Cheryl Elaine Reda.pdf2.Crosby Rd 1786 - DVP22-0007 - Attachments.pdf3.Crosby Rd 1786 - DVP22-0007 - STAFF.pdfTo review a Staff recommendation to NOT issue a Development Variance Permit to vary the maximum site coverage and the minimum rear yard for a deck addition to a single detached house.6.Reminders 7.Termination No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Crosby Rd 1786 - DVP22-0007 - Alfonso Reda and Cheryl Elaine Reda.pdf2.Crosby Rd 1786 - DVP22-0007 - Attachments.pdf3.Crosby Rd 1786 - DVP22-0007 - STAFF.pdf1.Bernard Ave 353 - LL22-0001 - 1299853 B.C. LTD., INC.NO. BC1303098.pdf2.Bernard Ave 353 - LL22-0001 - Attachments.pdf3.Bernard Ave 353 - LL22-0001 - STAFF.pdf1.Draft Minutes - April 12 2022 Reg.pdf1.Cambridge Ave 651 - DP20-0182 DVP20-0183 - Provincial Rental Housing Corporation, Inc.No. BC0052129.pdf2.CambridgeAve651_DP20-0182-DVP20-0183_Attachments.docx.pdf3.CambridgeAve651 - DP20-0182 DVP20-0183 - STAFF.pdf4.DP20-0182 DVP20-0183 651 Cambridge - APPLICANT.pdf1.BL12313 Z21-0085 Cambridge Ave 651.pdf1.DP21-0155 DVP21-0272 - 2339-2397 Hwy 97N - Dilworth Shopping Centre Ltd., Inc No. 319846.pdf2.DP21-0155 - Attachments A_ B and C.pdf3.DP21-0155 - Schedule A - Dimensions and Siting - Buildings 1a and 1b.pdf4.DP21-0155 - Schedule A - Dimensions and Siting - Buildings 2a and 2b_reduced.pdf5.DP21-0155 - Schedule B.pdf6.DP21-0155 - Schedule C - Landscaping - Buildings 1a and 1b_reduced.pdf7.DP21-0155 - Schedule C - Landscaping - Buildings 2a and 2b_reduced.pdf8.DP21-0155_DVP21-0272 - 2339 Hwy97 N- STAFF.pdf9.DP21-0155 DVP21-0272 - 2339 Hwy 97 N - APPLICANT.pdf