City of Kelowna
Regular Council Meeting

Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the syilx/Okanagan people.

In accordance with the most recent Interior Health Restrictions regarding gatherings and events, a maximum of 50 members of the public is permitted to attend Council meetings in-person.  Members of the public must remain seated unless invited to address Council.

As an open meeting, a live audio-video feed is being broadcast and recorded on

To consider a Site-Specific Text Amendment application to the CD15 – Airport Business Park zone, for 3510 Spectrum Court to add the permitted use of automotive and minor recreational vehicle sales/rental and accommodate the August Garage and Car Club Lounge and Vehicle Service Building.

To give Bylaw No. 12284 first reading in order to consider a Site-Specific Text Amendment application for 3510 Spectrum Court to add the permitted use of automotive and minor recreational vehicle sales/rental.

To rezone the subject property from the P1 – Major Institutional zone to the C7r – Central Business Commercial (Residential Rental Tenure Only) zone to facilitate a mixed-use rental development.

To give Bylaw No. 12286 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the P1 – Major Institutional zone to the C7r – Central Business Commercial (Residential Rental Tenure Only) zone.

To rezone the subject property from the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM3r – Low Density Multiple Housing (Residential Rental Tenure Only) zone to facilitate the development of multiple dwelling housing.

To give Bylaw No. 12289 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM3r – Low Density Multiple Housing (Residential Rental Tenure Only) zone.

Requires a majority of all members of Council (5).

To amend and adopt Bylaw No.12267 in order to amend the Official Community Plan for the subject property from the MRM – Multiple Unit Residential (Medium Density) designation to the MXR – Mixed Use (Residential / Commercial) designation.

To amend and adopt Bylaw No.12268 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU2 – Medium Lot Housing zone to the C7 – Central Business Commercial zone.

To issue the Form & Character Development Permit of a proposed 6 storey residential apartment building with a commercial third floor proposed to be occupied by a school.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11857 to rezone the subject property from the A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the CD12 - Airport zone.

To adopt Bylaw No. 12254 in order to rezone the subject property from the RR2c - Rural Residential 2 with Carriage House zone to the RU1h - Large Lot Housing (Hillside Area) zone.

To seek Council’s approval to amend the Solid Waste Management Regulation Bylaw to align with Regional Waste Management initiatives and amend the fee schedules for selected wastes with an inflationary rate adjustment.

To seek Council approval for the closure of a 194.4 square meter portion of Leon Avenue to allow for the creation of an air space parcel and associated overhead pedestrian connection as part of the Water St by the Park development.

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