Mayor Basran
- Made comment that this Friday is National day for truth and reconciliation. read from statement hope people learn more about our past. to be more diverse and equitable community. Kelowna Museums on Friday. internally, learning opportunities. alot of online resources available.
Councillor Stack:
- Queen elizabeth passed some days ago, spoke to protocols, common wealth nations have thier own services.
Councillor DeHart:memorial St Michaels on Richter and Sutherland holding servicefor Queen, takes place Spet 27 7 pm invited the publc to share in that memorial.
- Will not be at council meeting ,Invited everyone to Maxene DeHart drive thru breakfast on October 6th. All proceeds to the United Way. Haven't done a breakfast in 3 years. Spoke to all the United Way breakfast
Councillor Donn:
Councillor Sieben:
- Kelowna was in news over weekend for all the wrong reasons, condolencs to those who lost their lives with overdoses.
- Vehcils running over shelter tent. Supt has this in hand. condolecnes to those who lost loved ones over the weeknd.
- this is a significant step in system change that has been broken along time. BC Mayors Causucs changed frequency of government. excited to see this move foroward
Councillor Hodge:
- will be taking part in truth and reconciliation events. asked pulbic to show some support
- on weekend went to DKA Small shop Saturday, very well attended. Spoke to attendance at DKA After 5 at Pushor Mitchell and it was packed.
- thanked Maxine for hard work and working with her for the past 8 years.
Councillor Wooldridge:1
- will be down at kelowna museum on frday
Councillor Given:
Mayor Basran:
-issued statement around incident that police are investigating.
- thanks colleogues for support last week when in vancouver for Mayors caucus,
- involuntary customer for repeat offenders.
increased crown resources to deal with repeat offenders.