City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Monday, January 23, 2017
1:30 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

Visited1.Call to Order

This meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record.  A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.

Visited3.1769 Barnaby Rd, Z16-0063 - Cathy WolfAttachment Icon
To consider a rezoning on the subject property from the RR2 – Rural Residential 2 zone to the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone and the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to facilitate a future subdivision.
Visited3.2769 Barnaby Rd, BL11341 (Z16-0063) - Cathy Wolf Attachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11341 first reading in order to rezone portions of the the subject property from the  RR2 – Rural Residential 2 zone to the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone and the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone.

Visited3.31050 Kelly Rd, Z16-0043 - Jonathon and Heather TyreAttachment Icon
To rezone the subject property from RU1 – Large Lot Housing to RU1c- Large Lot Housing with carriage house.
Visited3.41050 Kelly Rd, BL11342 (Z16-0043) - Jonathon and Heather TyreAttachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11342 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c - Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone.

Visited3.54039 Lakeshore Rd, Z16-0060 - Cindy and Thomas NetzlawAttachment Icon
To rezone the subject property from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone to the RU2 – Medium Lot Housing zone to facilitate a three lot subdivision.
Visited3.64039 Lakeshore Rd, BL11343 (Z16-0043) - Cindy and Thomas NetzlawAttachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11343 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU2 - Medium Lot Housing zone.

Visited3.75425 Upper Mission Dr, OCP16-0012 & Z16-0024 - Kestrel Ridge Holdings LtdAttachment Icon
Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning application to amend the Future Land Use designations and rezone portions of the subject property to facilitate a single and two unit residential subdivision with park space for 5425 Upper Mission Drive.
Visited3.85425 Upper Mission Dr, BL11344 (OCP16-0012) - Kestrel Holdings LtdAttachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11344 first reading in order to change the future designation of the subject property to facilitate a single and two unit residential subdivision with park space.

Visited3.95425 Upper Mission Dr, BL11345 (Z16-0014) - Kestrel Holdings LtdAttachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11345 first reading in order to rezone the subject property to  facilitate a single and two unit residential subdivision with park space.

Visited3.10170 Drysdale Blvd, Z16-0082 - City of KelownaAttachment Icon
To rezone the subject property to facilitate a two lot subdivision and the development of multiple dwelling housing on the subject property.
Visited3.11170 Drysdale Blvd, BL11346 (Z16-0082) - City of KelownaAttachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11346 first reading in order to  facilitate a two lot subdivision and the development of multiple dwelling housing on the subject property.

Visited3.12CD5 - Multi Purposed Facility Zone Amendments (TA16-0014) - Text Amendment - City of KelownaAttachment Icon
To consider a Text Amendment to Zoning Bylaw No. 8000 in order to reduce the residential parking rate within the CD5 zone.
Visited3.144077 & 4079 June Springs Rd (Z16-0065) - Jamie D. CoatesAttachment Icon
At the January 9th, 2017 Council meeting, Council supported the application to rezone the subject property from A1 – Agriculture to A1c – Agriculture 1 with Carriage House zone and also directed staff to report back to Council with appropriate recommendations and bylaw for first reading consideration.
Visited3.154077 & 4079 June Springs Rd, BL11348 (Z16-0065) - Jamie D. CoatesAttachment Icon

To give Bylaw No. 11348 first reading in order  to rezone the subject property from A1 – Agriculture to A1c – Agriculture 1 with Carriage House zone.

Visited3.16600 Boyton Pl, DP16-0252 - 0725353 BC Ltd Attachment Icon
To consider the form and character of a townhome complex in a phased strata.
Visited3.171580 Hwy 33 West, DP16-0286 - Coastal Hollypark Properties LtdAttachment Icon
To consider a development for the form and character of a multiple phase hotel project.
Visited4.1(S of) 823 & 890-950 Academy Way, BL10984 (Z13-0030) - Watermark Developments LtdAttachment Icon

To adopt Bylaw No. 10984 in order to rezone portions of the subject properties in order to accommodate the future development of single and multi family developments and a large natural open space park.

Visited4.2BL11131 (TA15-0007) - Micro Suite Housing Amendments to Zoning BylawAttachment Icon

To adopt Bylaw No. 11131 in order to amend the Zoning Bylaw to establish regulations dealing with sub-312 sq. ft. micro-suite housing.

Visited5.1Allocation of Transitional Grant-in-Aid FundsAttachment Icon

To provide for Council consideration, a proposed allocation of $100,000 in transitional Grant-in-Aid funding approved in the 2017 Provisional Budget and amendments to the Council Policy #218 Community Social Development Grant Policy.

Visited5.2Okanagan Basin Water BoardAttachment Icon
To consider staff’s recommendation to apply for two 2017-2018 OBWB – Water Conservation and Quality Project Grants.
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