City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Monday, June 12, 2017
1:30 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.
4:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

This meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record.  A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.

To rezone the subject property to facilitate the development of the proposed 5-storey mixed use building on the subject property.

To give Bylaw No. 11413 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone.

To rezone the subject property from RU1 – Large Lot Housing to RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing to facilitate the development of semi-detached housing.

To give Bylaw No. 11420 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone.

To consider a rezoning application on the subject property from the C4 – Urban Centre Commercial Zone to the C7 – Central Business Commercial Zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11423 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from C4 - Urban Central Commercial zone to the C7 - Central Business Commercial zone.

To amend the Official Community Plan to change the future land use designation and to rezone portions of the subject property to facilitate a residential subdivision with park and natural open space areas

Requires a majority of all members of Council. (5)
To give Bylaw No. 11424 first reading in order to change the Future Land Use designation of portions of the subject property as per Map "A".

To give Bylaw No. 11425 first reading in order to change the Zoning classification of portions of the subject property as per Map "B".

To consider a rezoning application on the subject property from the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM5 - Medium Density Multiple Housing zone and to consider a Text Amendment to change the definition of Multiple Dwelling Housing from five units or greater to three units or greater.

To give Bylaw No. 11426 first reading in order to amend the Zoning Bylaw No. 8000 by amending the definition of "Multiple Dwelling Housing".

To give Bylaw No. 11427 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM5 - Medium Density Housing zone.

To consider amendments to the Zoning Bylaw in order to allow commercial storage as a permitted use in the I4 – Central Industrial zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11428 first reading in order to amend the Zoning Bylaw No. 8000 to allow commercial storage as a permitted use in the I4 - Central Industrial zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11421 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM5 - Medium Density Multiple Housing zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11422 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the A1c - Agriculture 1 with Carriage House zone.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11400 from RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU2 - Medium Lot Housing zone. 

To adopt Bylaw No. 11408 in order for the City to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Authorization Agreement with JEM HTB Properties Inc. for the property located at 4629 Lakeshore Road, "Surtees Property".

To renew the Fire Service Agreement for Country Rhodes (Ellison) with the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) for a five (5) year term.
To renew the fire service agreement for Lakeshore Road and June Springs Road with the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) for a five (5) year term.
For the Interjurisdictional Development Team (IDT) to provide the elected leaders of the participating jurisdictions of the IDT with a report on the status of the rail trail project.

Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the proposed road closure to come forward.
To adopt Bylaw No. 11370 in order to permanently close a portion of Watt Road.

No Item Selected