City of Kelowna Regular Council Meeting AGENDA Meeting #:Date:Monday, January 15, 2018Time: 1:30 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Location:Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to OrderThis meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record. A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.2.Confirmation of Minutes1.Draft Minutes - Jan 8 2018 PM.pdfPM Meeting - January 8, 20183.Committee Reports3.1Agricultural Advisory Committee – Annual Report to Council1.Agricultural Advisory Committee Status update - Report to Council.pdfTo update Council on the activities of the Agricultural Advisory Committee.4.Development Application Reports & Related Bylaws4.1OCP Amendment (OCP17-0027) & Rezoning Application (Z17-0107) – Boundaries Amendments1.Various Housekeeping OCP17-0027 Z17-0107 RTC.pdf2.Various Housekeeping OCP17-0027 Z17-0107 Maps.pdfTo amend the Official Community Plan to change future land use designations and to rezone the subject properties to complete housekeeping amendments to lot line boundaries.4.2Various Addresses, BL11527 (OCP17-0027) - City of Kelowna1.BL11527 OCP17-0027 OCP Boundary Discrepancies.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11527 first reading in order to change the Future Land Use designations on portions of the subject properties in order to amend boundary lot lines.4.3Various Addresses, BL11536 (Z17-0107) - City of Kelowna1.BL11536 - Z17-0107 - City of Kelowna - Zoning Boundary Discrepancies.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11536 first reading in order to change the zoning on portions of the subject properties in order to amend boundary lot lines.4.4McIntosh Rd 360, Dougall Rd N 345 & 365 - Z17-0041 - Unik-Town Development Inc1.Dougall Rd 345 Z17-0041 RTC.pdf2.Dougall Rd 345 Z17-0041 Attachments.pdfTo rezone the subject property to facilitate the development of multiple dwelling housing.4.5McIntosh Rd 360, Dougall Rd N 345 & 365 - BL11528 (Z17-0041) - Unik-Town Development Inc1.BL11528 Z17-0041 McIntosh Rd 360 and Dougall Rd N 345 and 365.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11528 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RM5 - Medium Density Multiple Housing zone.4.6Lakeshore Rd 5076, LUCT16-0001 & Z16-0027 - Stewart Storie and Gloria Heung1.Lakeshore Rd 5064 and 5076 LUCT16-0001 Z16-0027 RTC.pdf2.Lakeshore Rd 5064 and 5076 LUCT16-0001 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdfTo consider an application to terminate the Land Use Contract and rezone the subject properties from A1 – Agriculture to the RR2 – Rural Residential 2.4.7Lakeshore Rd 5076, BL11529 (LUCT16-0001) - Stewart Storie and Gloria Heung1.BL11529 - LUCT16-0001-Lakeshore Rd.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11529 first reading in order to early terminate Land Use Contract No. LUC77-1012.4.8Lakeshore Rd 5076, BL11531 (Z16-0027) - Stewart Storie and Gloria Heung1.BL11531 Z16-0027 Lakeshore Rd 5076.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11531 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the RR2 - Rural Residential zone.4.9DeHart Rd 644, Z17-0097 - Ricardo & Patricia Tomic1.DeHart Rd 644 Z17-0097 RTC.pdf2.DeHart Rd 644 Z17-0097 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdfTo rezone the subject property to the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to facilitate the construction of a second dwelling.4.10DeHart Rd 644, BL11533 (Z17-0097) - Ricardo & Patricia Tomic1.BL11533 Z17-0097 DeHart Rd 644.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11533 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone.4.11Glenmore Rd 621, Z17-0106 - Mehdi Tehrani & Mandana Ghanyei1.Glenmore Rd 621 Z17-0106 RTC.pdf2.Glenmore Rd 621 Z17-0106 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdfTo rezone the subject property from A1 to RU6 to facilitate a two-lot subdivision.4.12Glenmore Rd 621, BL11535 (Z17-0106) - Mehdi Tehrani and Mandana Ghanyei1.BL11535 Z17-0106 Glenmore Rd 621.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11535 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone.4.13Rutland Rd N 1308 & 1324, Z17-0047 - 1121911 BC Ltd1.1308 and 1324 Rutland Road N, Z17-0047 121911 BC Ltd Rev 1.pdf2.1308 and 1324 Rutland Rd N, Z17-0047 - Attachments.pdfTo rezone the subject property to facilitate the development of multiple dwelling housing.4.14Rutland Rd N 1308 & 1324, BL11537 (Z17-0047) - 1121911 BC Ltd1.BL11537 Z17-0047 Rutland Rd N 1308 1324.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11537 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RM3 - Low Density Multiple Housing zone.4.15Richter Street 1800, DP17-0179 - Meiklejohn Architects Inc1.Richter St 1800 DP17-0179 RTC.pdf2.DP17-0179 1800 Richter St - Attachments.pdfTo consider the form and character of the proposed 55-unit 4-storey multiple dwelling housing project on the subject property (Central Green).5.Non-Development Reports & Related Bylaws5.1Capri-Landmark - Preferred Concept Plan1.Capri-Landmark Plan - Preferred Concept Plan .pdf2.Capri-Landmark Preferred Concept Plan Presentation.pdf3.Attachment A - Urban Centres Roadmap Targets.pdf4.Attachment B - Building Heights Design Principles.pdf5.Attachment C - Transportation Network Maps.pdf6.Attachment D - Ritchie Brook Memo.pdf7.Attachment E - Urban Design Objectives.pdfTo provide Council with an update on the preferred Concept Plan and to receive direction to advance the development of the final plan document which will include specified funding options and the implementation strategy.5.2Transit 2017/2018 Amended Annual Operating Agreement1.2017 2018 Amended Annual Operating Agreement - Council Report.pdf2.2017 2018 Amended AOA - Council Report Appendix 1.pdf3.2017 2018 Amended AOA.pdf4.2017 2018 Amended Annual Operating Agreement presentation.pdfTo receive Council approval for amendment #1 to the Transit 2017/18 Annual Operating Agreement.5.3Urban Deer in Kelowna1.Urban Deer Council Report Jan 2018.pdfTo provide an update on urban deer within the City of Kelowna.5.4Sanitary Sewer Connection Area 28 - Stellar Drive Extension Charges1.Sanitary Sewer Connection Area 28 - Stellar Drive Extension Charges.pdf2.Figure 1 Stellar Drive Sewer Extension - Location Plan.pdfTo approve the use of Sewer Connection Area 28 reserves for the construction of new sanitary sewer connections along Stellar Drive.6.Mayor and Councillor Items7.TerminationNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Agricultural Advisory Committee Status update - Report to Council.pdf1.Dougall Rd 345 Z17-0041 RTC.pdf2.Dougall Rd 345 Z17-0041 Attachments.pdf1.Lakeshore Rd 5064 and 5076 LUCT16-0001 Z16-0027 RTC.pdf2.Lakeshore Rd 5064 and 5076 LUCT16-0001 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdf1.DeHart Rd 644 Z17-0097 RTC.pdf2.DeHart Rd 644 Z17-0097 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdf1.Glenmore Rd 621 Z17-0106 RTC.pdf2.Glenmore Rd 621 Z17-0106 RTC ATTACHMENTS.pdf1.Various Housekeeping OCP17-0027 Z17-0107 RTC.pdf2.Various Housekeeping OCP17-0027 Z17-0107 Maps.pdf1.Richter St 1800 DP17-0179 RTC.pdf2.DP17-0179 1800 Richter St - Attachments.pdf1.BL11535 Z17-0106 Glenmore Rd 621.pdf1.BL11533 Z17-0097 DeHart Rd 644.pdf1.BL11528 Z17-0041 McIntosh Rd 360 and Dougall Rd N 345 and 365.pdf1.BL11527 OCP17-0027 OCP Boundary Discrepancies.pdf1.BL11536 - Z17-0107 - City of Kelowna - Zoning Boundary Discrepancies.pdf1.1308 and 1324 Rutland Road N, Z17-0047 121911 BC Ltd Rev 1.pdf2.1308 and 1324 Rutland Rd N, Z17-0047 - Attachments.pdf1.BL11537 Z17-0047 Rutland Rd N 1308 1324.pdf1.2017 2018 Amended Annual Operating Agreement - Council Report.pdf2.2017 2018 Amended AOA - Council Report Appendix 1.pdf3.2017 2018 Amended AOA.pdf4.2017 2018 Amended Annual Operating Agreement presentation.pdf1.BL11531 Z16-0027 Lakeshore Rd 5076.pdf1.Urban Deer Council Report Jan 2018.pdf1.Capri-Landmark Plan - Preferred Concept Plan .pdf2.Capri-Landmark Preferred Concept Plan Presentation.pdf3.Attachment A - Urban Centres Roadmap Targets.pdf4.Attachment B - Building Heights Design Principles.pdf5.Attachment C - Transportation Network Maps.pdf6.Attachment D - Ritchie Brook Memo.pdf7.Attachment E - Urban Design Objectives.pdf1.Sanitary Sewer Connection Area 28 - Stellar Drive Extension Charges.pdf2.Figure 1 Stellar Drive Sewer Extension - Location Plan.pdf1.BL11529 - LUCT16-0001-Lakeshore Rd.pdf1.Draft Minutes - Jan 8 2018 PM.pdf