City of Kelowna Regular Council Meeting AGENDA Meeting #:Date:Monday, June 26, 2017Time: 1:30 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Location:Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to OrderThis meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record. A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.2.Confirmation of Minutes1.Draft Minutes - June 19 2017 PM.pdfPM Meeting - June 19, 20173.Committee Reports3.1Journey Home Task Force Terms of Reference1.Journey Home Task Force TOF FINAL.pdf2.Terms of Reference.pdf3.Presentation.pdfTo obtain Council’s approval of the Terms of Reference and Co-Chairperson appointments for the Journey Home Task Force to guide the development of a long-term strategy to address homelessness.4.Public in Attendance4.1Kelowna Museums1.KMS_Council2017.pdfAnnual presentation to Council by Linda Digby, Executive Director5.Development Application Reports & Related Bylaws5.1540 Jaginder Lane, Z16-0086 - Michael and Edgar Hiebert1.540 Jaginder lane Z16-0086 RTC.pdf2.Z16-0086 - 540 Jaginder Lane RTC Attachments.pdfTo rezone the subject property from A1 - Agriculture1 zone to the RR3c - Rural Residential 3 with Carriage House zone to permit a carriage house in addition to the primary residence.5.2540 Jaginder Lane, BL11431 (Z16-0086) - Michael and Edgar Hiebert1.BL11431 Z16-0086 Jaginder Lane 540.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11431 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the RR3c - Rural Residential 3 with Carriage House.5.3454 Glenwood Ave, Z17-0031 - Lindsay Gibson and Meghan Wise1.Glenwood Ave 454 Z17-0031 RTC.pdf2.Glenwood Ave 454 Z17-0031 RTC ATTACHMENTS .pdfTo rezone the subject property from RU1 – Large Lot Housing to RU1c – Large Lot Housing with Carriage House to facilitate the future construction of a carriage house.5.4454 Glenwood Ave, BL11432 (Z17-0031) - Lindsay Gibson and Meghan Wise1.BL11432 Z17-0031 Glenwood Ave 454.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11432 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c - Large Lot Housing with Carriage Suite zone.5.51350 and 1370 KLO Rd, OCP17-0010 and Z17-0026 - Summerwood Retirement Resort Holding Corporation1.KLO Road 1350 - 1370 OCP17-0010 Z17-0026 RTC.pdf2.OCP17-0010 Z17-0026 1350-1370 KLO Rd - Attachments.pdfTo amend the Official Community Plan to change the Future Land Use designation and to rezone the subject properties to facilitate the development of supportive housing on the subject properties.5.61350 and 1370 KLO Rd, BL11433 (OCP17-0010) - Summerwood Retirement Resort Holding Corporation1.BL11433 OCP17-0010 KLO Rd 1350 and 1370.pdfRequires a majority of all members of Council. (5) To give Bylaw No. 11433 first reading in order to change the Future Land Use Designation from S2RES - Single /Two Unit Residential and EDINST - Educational/Major Institutional to the MRM - Multiple Unit Residential (Medium Density).5.71350 and 1370 KLO Rd, BL11434 (Z17-0026) - Summerwood Retirement Resort Holding Corporation1.BL11434 Z17-0026 KLO Road 1350 and 1370.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11434 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RM5 - Medium Density Multiple Housing zone.5.82045 Loseth Rd and 1261 Kloppenburg Rd, OCP17-0009 and Z17-0024 - Kirschner Mountain Estates Ltd1.Loseth Rd 2045 OCP17-0009 Z17-0024 RTC.pdf2.Loseth Rd 2045 OCP17-0009 Z17-0024 RTC Attachments.pdfTo amend the Official Community Plan to change the Future Land Use designation and to rezone portions of the subject property to facilitate the creation of residential development parcels and park dedication.5.92045 Loseth Rd and 1261 Kloppenburg Rd, BL11435 (OCP17-0009) - Kirschner Mountain Estates1.BL11435 OCP17-0009 Loseth Rd 2045 and Kloppenburg Rd 1261.pdfRequires a majority of all members of Council. (5)To give Bylaw No. 11435 first reading in order to change the Future Land Use designation for the subject properties as per Map A.5.102045 Loseth Rd and 1261 Kloppenburg Rd, BL11436 (Z17-0024) - Kirschner mountain Estates1.BL11436 Z17-0024 Loseth 2045 and Kloppenburg 1261.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11436 first reading in order to rezone the subject properties as per Map B.5.115317 Chute Lake Road, OCP17-0001 and TA17-0001 - 1104053 BC Ltd1.Chute Lake Rd 5317 OCP17-0001 TA17-0002 RTC.pdf2.OCP17-0001 Chute Lake Rd 5317 Attachments.pdfTo amend the Official Community Plan to change the future land use designation of the subject property and to amend the Kettle Valley Comprehensive Development Zone (CD2) to facilitate a two lot residential subdivision.5.125317 Chute Lake Road, BL11437 (OCP17-0001) - 1104053 BC Ltd1.BL11437 OCP17-0001 - Chute Lake Rd 5317.pdfRequires a majority of all members of Council. (5)To give Bylaw No. 11437 first reading in order to change the Future Land Use designation from Major Park/Open Space (public) (PARK) to the Single/Two Unit Residential (S2RES) designation. 5.135317 Chute Lake Road, BL11438 (TA17-0001) - 1104053 BC Ltd1.BL11438 TA17-0002- CD2 - Kettle Valley Compreshensive Residential Development.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11438 first reading in order to amend the CD2 - Kettle Valley Comprehensive Development Zone in Zoning Bylaw No. 8000.5.14140 Mills Road, DP17-0004 - Derer’s Tile Haus Inc. Inc.No. BC09175011.Mills Rd 140 DP17-0004 RTC.pdf2.Mills Rd 140 Attachments DP.pdfTo consider the form and character of a proposed multi-family row housing project.5.152800 Hwy 97 N, OCP16-0021 (BL11405) & Z16-0072 (BL11406), 0802333 BC Ltd. - Reconsideration1.Draft Resolution - OCP16-0021_Z16-0072 2800 Hwy 97 N Reconsideration.pdf2.Hwy 97 N 2800 OCP16-0021 Z16-0072 RTC.pdf3.Hwy 97 N 2800 Attachments.pdfTo reconsider an Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning application to amend the Future Land Use designation to IND-Industrial and rezone a portion of the property to I2 - General Industrial.6.Bylaws for Adoption (Development Related)6.1140 Mills Road, BL11391 (Z17-0003) - Derer's Tile Haus Inc. No. BC9175011.BL11391 Z17-0003 Mills Rd 140.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 11391 in order to rezone the subject property from RU1 – Large Lot Housing to RM3 – Low Density Multiple Housing to facilitate the development of multiple dwelling housing.7.Non-Development Reports & Related Bylaws7.12016 Annual Report1.2016 Annual Report - Report to Council June 20 Version UPDATED by 19 2017 DRAFT 2016 Statement of Financial Information SOFI.pdfTo meet legislated reporting requirements for annual financial statements, showcase City services, programs and projects, and provide contextual information for the data contained in the remuneration reports. 8.Mayor and Councillor Items9.TerminationNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.540 Jaginder lane Z16-0086 RTC.pdf2.Z16-0086 - 540 Jaginder Lane RTC Attachments.pdf1.Glenwood Ave 454 Z17-0031 RTC.pdf2.Glenwood Ave 454 Z17-0031 RTC ATTACHMENTS .pdf1.KLO Road 1350 - 1370 OCP17-0010 Z17-0026 RTC.pdf2.OCP17-0010 Z17-0026 1350-1370 KLO Rd - Attachments.pdf1.Loseth Rd 2045 OCP17-0009 Z17-0024 RTC.pdf2.Loseth Rd 2045 OCP17-0009 Z17-0024 RTC Attachments.pdf1.BL11432 Z17-0031 Glenwood Ave 454.pdf1.BL11433 OCP17-0010 KLO Rd 1350 and 1370.pdf1.BL11434 Z17-0026 KLO Road 1350 and 1370.pdf1.Chute Lake Rd 5317 OCP17-0001 TA17-0002 RTC.pdf2.OCP17-0001 Chute Lake Rd 5317 Attachments.pdf1.BL11431 Z16-0086 Jaginder Lane 540.pdf1.BL11437 OCP17-0001 - Chute Lake Rd 5317.pdf1.BL11438 TA17-0002- CD2 - Kettle Valley Compreshensive Residential Development.pdf1.Draft Resolution - OCP16-0021_Z16-0072 2800 Hwy 97 N Reconsideration.pdf2.Hwy 97 N 2800 OCP16-0021 Z16-0072 RTC.pdf3.Hwy 97 N 2800 Attachments.pdf1.Journey Home Task Force TOF FINAL.pdf2.Terms of Reference.pdf3.Presentation.pdf1.Mills Rd 140 DP17-0004 RTC.pdf2.Mills Rd 140 Attachments DP.pdf1.BL11391 Z17-0003 Mills Rd 140.pdf1.2016 Annual Report - Report to Council June 20 Version UPDATED by 19 2017 DRAFT 2016 Statement of Financial Information SOFI.pdf1.KMS_Council2017.pdf1.Draft Minutes - June 19 2017 PM.pdf1.BL11435 OCP17-0009 Loseth Rd 2045 and Kloppenburg Rd 1261.pdf1.BL11436 Z17-0024 Loseth 2045 and Kloppenburg 1261.pdf