City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

The Oath of Office will be read by Councillor DeHart.​

Public Hearing - October 8, 2019

Regular Meeting - October 8, 2019

To give second and third reading and adopt Bylaw No. 11937 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1C - Large Lot with Carriage House zone.

Requires 2/3 of all members of Council present.

To give second and third reading and adopt Bylaw No. 11940 in order to discharge LUC77-1023 off the subject property.

Requires 2/3 of all members of Council present.

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11941 to discharge Land Use Contract LUC76-1039.

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11942 to change the future land use designation from MRH - Multiple Unit Residential (High Density) & EDINST (Education/Major Institutional) to MXR - Mixed Use (Residential./Commercial).

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11943 in order to rezone the subject property from the P2 - Education and Minor Institutional zone to the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone.

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11944 to amend the CD3 zone to allow for retail cannabis sales as a principle use.

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11945 in order to rezone the subject property from the CD3 Comprehensive Development 3 zone to the CD3rcs - Comprehensive Development 3 (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11946 in order to designate 1781 Abbott Street (known as the Murchison House) and the building envelope as a heritage building.

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11923 in order to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement on the subject property.

To give second and third reading to Bylaw No. 11947 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1C - Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone.

Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward for each item.

To consider the form and character of a proposed addition to a secondary suite in a single detached house and to vary the minimum rear yard on the subject property.

To consider the form and character of a two-lane automatic car wash and vacuum facility and to consider a comprehensive sign plan and associated variances to Sign Bylaw No. 11530.