City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

This meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record.  A live audio and video feed is being broadcast and recorded by CastaNet and a delayed broadcast is shown on Shaw Cable.

Annual Presentation to Council by George Tozer, Board President and Rosemary Thomson, Music Director/Conductor

To consider a development application to rezone to RU1c – Large Lot Housing with Carriage House to facilitate the development of a carriage house.

To give Bylaw No. 11608 first reading in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c - Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone. 

To give Bylaw No. 11583 first, second and third readings in order to approve the  Five Year Financial Plan 2018-2022 Bylaw.

To give Bylaw No. 11584 for first, second and third readings in order to approve the 2018 Tax Structure Bylaw.

To give Bylaw No. 11585 first, second and third readings in order to approve the 2018 Annual Tax Rate Bylaw.

To give Bylaw No. 11586 first, second and third reading in order to approve the 2018 Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw. 

To give Bylaw No. 11587 first, second and third readings in order to approve the 2018 Sale of City-Owned Land Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw.

To present the Financial Statements to Council for acceptance per the legislative requirement, to provide Council with a recommendation on the appropriation of $5,449,122 of surplus to general reserves and accumulated surplus and to seek approval to include the Financial Statements in the annual report.

For Council to consider further amendments to the Good Neighbour Bylaw and to amend the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw.

To amend Bylaw No. 11546 at third reading by removing definitions and additional sections no longer required.

To amend Bylaw No. 11566 at third reading by removing sections and corresponding fines no longer required.

Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected b the proposed road closure to come forward.
To adopt Bylaw No. 11592 in order to permanently close and remove the highway dedication of a portion of Highway on St. Paul Street.

To adopt Bylaw No. 11602 in order to amend the Tax Prepayment Plan Bylaw No. 10685.