Agricultural Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Virtual Meeting - Teams
Members Present
  • Domenic Rampone
  • John Janmaat
  • Keith Duhaime
  • Kevin Daniels (Alternate)
  • Pete Spencer
  • Yvonne Herbison
Members Absent
  • Jeff Ricketts (Alternate)
Staff Present
  • Jill Worboys (Interior Health)
  • Legislative Coordinator (Confidential)
  • Aura Rose

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:06  p.m.

Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read. 


moved by Domenic seconded by Yvonne Carried

  • ​THAT the Minutes of the March 10, 2022 Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be adopted.

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from the Committee.

Applicant, Maria Kitsch

-proposing move of existing house provided and overview of relocating the house to a more efficient place on the property.

-responded to questions from the Committee.

-ALC suggested the nonarable location for the winery. 

-improves the sound and issue bordering the residential area.

Moved by Domenic Seconded by Yvonne

THAT the application to move an existing house on the subject property be supported.


Anedotal Comments:

- Committee recommends appropriate noise mitigation and buffering to protect the neighbours from any issues associated with winery and wine production.

- strongly encourage the City to consider alternative locations on the property for the winery.

- Applicant if the house moves it is better for sound buffering adn protection for the winery.

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the application and responded to questions from the Committee.

Confirmed the structure is onsite today and would need to be removed if the application is not considered.

Applicant, Carl XXX

- provided a Powerpoint presentation outling the application

-nothing will be hooked up until approvals are met. The target date is the 2023 season not 2022.

-reviewed the consultation process with neighbours.

- Responded to questions from the Committee.

-shade clothing on the fence, blending in the exterior paint and landscape buffering.

- Staff confirmed the application came through on a bylaw complaint.

- federally inspected to the ag worker program.before workers can move in.

- Separate area to comply to the gathering place requirements for farm worker gatherings

- German Gurm spoke to the cherry production and the residents in the immediate area. Landscaping is a priority around the temporary housing.

Staff responded to questions from the Committee.

 A landscape plan of the perimter will be required.

Anedotal Comments

-COmpetition fro trailer units from oil field is a concern for TFWQ accommodaitons.

-Appreciate how the impact on ag land has been minmized.

- Concern that the project moved forward nefore the approval took place and this is an ongoin gproblem with compliance where it is ask for forgiveness withoug reprucusions.

Concerneed by the precedent that approvals like this set ansd we encourage the City to consider ways to sanction applications that do not stick to the process.

City will require a lanscaping plan that will fdiullfill the landscaping buffes that they are required to.

  • Aura/Domenic

    THAT the Committee recommends to Council to consider a non-adhering residential use permit to allow temrporary farm help housing to accommodate 35 seasonal farm workers on the subject propoerty.


City ALC exclusion application on the transit station.

16.2 HA for future transportation facility.

ALC has supported it with enhanced agricultural buffering and an ag planning/enforcement position with a reclamation fund in the future.

Carney Pond will remain the ALR. 

Parking payment.for Committees

Complicated applications for mileage

Food for committees.

​The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for May 12, 2022.

The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 7:28.