- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.
Jim Meiklejohn, Architect, Applicant's Agent:
Gary Miller & Joan XXX, MCMI Inc. Groves Ave,
- 201 1289 Ellis Street
- Presented a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application.
- Provided the vision for the applicant.
- Provided an overview of the structure.
- Reviewed the density in the area
- Reviewed the building plans
- Reviewed the responses to the application from the neighbourhood.
- Referenced the Accessibility Act from the Province as a key point to the application and the importance of Inclusivity.
- Responded to questions from Council.
- Spoke to the traffic impact in the area of of Guy Street.
- Reviewed the purchasing process for the property.
Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
Online Participants
Bob & Carmen Gray, 851 Manhattan Drive
- Oppose the rezoning application
- Draft OCP does not show the area as multi-family.
- Lake view close to downtown.
- Referenced the OCP bylaw
- Commented on privacy concern with the 5 storeys.
- Does not believe zoning changes should be granted
Selina Manson, 976 Manhattan Drive
- Opposed to the application.
Margaret Peek 874 Manhattan Drive
- Opposed to the application.
- Concerned with the increase in traffic volume
- Public beach access already busy on the street with additional traffic.
- Concern with the application be precedent setting for the area.
Rachel Clowater, 973 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application.
- Infrastructure in the area is old and in need of improvement.
- Public docks still not opened in the area.
- Mentioned there is no area structure pan in the neighbourhood and impacts the future planning.
Barbie, Kenny Ross, 820 Manhattan Dr.
- Opposed to the rezoning the property.
- Concerned with the density in the immediate neighbourhood
Guy King, 879 Manhattan Dr
- Lived in the community since 1980
- Opposed to the application.
- Spoke to no sidewalks in the area with many visitors to the area. The greater density would add to this hazard.
- RU6 zoning offers aging in place options.
Karen Goetjen, 845 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application
- Commented on the tax level being similar to Abbott St with less infrastructure.
- Spoke to the quaint and quiet feel of the neighbourhood.
- Referenced the petition of non-support in the neighbourhood.
Carmen Gray, 851 Manhattan Dr
- Opposed to the application.
- Concern with no transit available in the neighbourhood.
- Concerned with walkability of the area with the increase in delivery.
- Concerned with the application setting a precedent in the area.
Adam Wilson, 910 Manhattan
- Spoke to the map sent to Council showing the non-support in the neighbourhood.
- Concerned with the proposal altering the neighbourhood.
- Concerned with accesibility of parking spots
Doug Jann 948 Drive
- Opposed to the application
- Concerned with the application being for profit versus accessibility of family.
- Decision is based in capitalism not in community.
- Concern with Handi-Dart tranist requiremements and parkin impacts of the development
Hugh Porter, 950 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application
- Concerned with traffic impact.
- Concerned with map showing inaccurate support of the neighbourhood
Steve Anderson 954 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application
- Concerned with the lack of infrastructure not being able to handle the new development
- Concerned with the fact that the applicnt's support map shows them in favour of the application.
Sandra Basell, Flintoff Ave
- Opposed to the application.
- Concerned with lack of infrastructure it would create a bigger safety risk
Angus Leslie 918 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application
- Resided in the area for 35 years.
- In favour of keeping RU6 zoning
- Concerned with lack of planning in the neighbourhood.
Mel Clifford 916B Manhattan Dr
- Opposed to the application
Leslie WIlson, 910 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application.
- Referenced the applicant's reference map of support not being accurate.
- Requested the application be paused until the neighbourhood plan is completed.
- Spoke to the density and size not fitting to the neighbourhood.
Patty Anderson 954 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application.
Gail Plecash, 994 Manhattan
- owned the property since 1978
- Opposed to the application
- Misrepresented on the support map from the applicant.
- Concerned with teh application etting a precedent in the neighbourhood
Charles Lund, 990 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application
- Concerned with the increase in density six fold.
- Concern with the inaccuracy of the applicant's support map.
Tim Miller, 930 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application.
- Spoke to the reference by the developer regarding his letter written to COuncil
- Concerned with the density not fitting for the site
Amy Nicolls, 970 Manhattan
- Opposed to the application.
- Concern regarding misrepresentation on the map as she was marked as a yellow and is in fact opposed and should be red dot.
- Believes RU6 or RU7 would be better supported.
Bud Kahovec, 970 Manhattan
- Opposed to application.
- Concern with respite deck area for the owner only and not the other tenants
Kathi Higgins, 936 Manhattan
- resident since 2010.
- Opposed to the application.
- Expressed concern with application saying the opposition is due to lack of empathy for their family
Blake McFetridge, 980 Manhattan
- Owned the property for 20 years
- Opposed to the application.
- Concern with multi- storey into an RU6 area.
- Believes RU6 or RU7 would be more suitable for the subject property
Don Gagnon, 950 Guy Street
- Opposed to the applicaiton.
- Bough in the neighbourhood for RU6
Spring Hawes, 1007 Harvey Avenue
- Commented on the diveristy of options for all of our community being encouraged in the OCP.
- We currently do not have any purpose built housing
- Encouraged the community to embrace housing stock that reconizes the reality of building an accessible community.
Arlene DeBruin, 140 Flintoff Ave
- Opposed to the application.
- Spoke to her request to build townhouses being declined by City planning
- Requested that the north end plan be completed before the application is considered
Tom and Debra Mauro, 2700 Abbott
- Spoke to the character of the applicant and their volunteer support in the community
Heather Friesen, Rutland
- Spoke to the enablism needing to be supported
- Disabled people matter and requested Council support the application.
- Spoke to concern with number of apartments going up in Rutland that are not accessible.
Christa, 3073 Stoneridge Drive
- Used to live in Kelowna
- Concerned with support for physically abled residents as she had to move to West Kelowna to find housing.
- Supports the project and the rezoning
Councillor Stack declared a conflict and left the meeting at 6:56 p.m.
Applicant's response, Jim Mieklejohn:
- Confirmed the access to the building will be off of Guy Street.
- Spoke to the map being a city map as provided for subject area
- Responded to questions from Council.
Staff responded to questions from Council.
No one participating online indicated they wished to speak.
There were no further comments.