- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application.
City Clerk invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
Barry Jessop, Abbott St, FRACAS
-Spoke to the preservation of Kelowna's Heritage Conservation Area.
-Spoke to the shrinking area by 25%
-Spoke to CHER and provincial mandates.
-Public input requested and revising of the Heritage Advisory Committee in place prior to the pandemic.
-Offered assistance in updating heritage guidelines.
-Maintain the existing footprint of the HCA and not diminish the preservation of heritage in the community.
-Consistency of enforcement in guidelines.
Janette Morgens, 1922 Abbott St
-Concerned with building on Royal Ave
-Spoke to lake Avenue issue
-Spoke to Vimy Avenue new builds (2)
-Spoke to the disbandment of the Heritage Advisory Committee and interest in bringing it back.
-Consider trading density ion one area for another to protect the heritage area.
George Mapson, 315 Cadder Ave
-Spoke to the hospital exchange and confusion of designation of areas.
-spoke to the provincial manual showing two areas and does not include the hospital.
-Is the hospital exchange, is it really an exchange. Not designated in the OCP or for growth.
-Bill 47 spoke to TOAs
-Spoke to the experiences in New Westminster.
-What is the hospital exchange versus the heritage conservation area.
Gerry Fee, 440 Cadder Ave
-Concerned with preserving the heritage conservation area.
-Speaks to the history of Kelowna and a fascinating and well used area.
-Requested the City ask the Province to not embark on the requirements
Russell SMith, 450 Cadder Ave
- Confused with provincial legislation where designated areas went from two to four areas regarding the hospital exchange area.
-Concerned the planned amendments will destroy the area.
-Concerned with additional transit exchange areas.
Penny Pearson, Glenwood Ave
-Concerned with the heritage district is being rushed. Province states the OCP does not have to be in conformity until December 21, 2025.
-Requested a complete review of the heritage registry. Requested staff to consult with associations so there is a more broad based consultation on future plans.
-Heritage area is a jewel. Refuge for health care workers from the hospital.
-Spoke to Amsterdam and the 40 0year old merchant homes
-Spoke to Bend, Oregon and their magnificent heritage area they maintain.
-Spoke to better protection of the Heritage Conservation Area of Kelowna.
Erica Belllauother, 2125 Abbott St
-Family has lived in the conservation area for 52 years.
-Spoke to the love for the area.
-Spoke to seeing huge changes in the area over the years
-Area declined in the seventies and eighties.
-Mom was a founding member of KASAN.
-Spoke to HCA approved in the mid nineties
-Concerned and opposed to the proposal to diminish the HCA by 25 percent
-Spoke to the Heritage Advisory Committee being disbanded and the negative impact.
-Spoke to the mature trees in the heritage area and the area being a jewel for the community
Grant Billock, 400 Cadder Ave
-Spoke to building houses in the area and relocating to the area.
-SPoke to the improvements to the neighbourhood over the years. Concerned that six stories are not going to improvem ent the neighbourhood.
-Heard commercialization in the area as well which is not supported.
JAn Murphy, KASAN, 359 Cadder, Office is at 865 Bernard Ave
-Repesent KASAN, oppose to reducing the HCA by 25% within the hospital TOA
-Worried about the height
The meeting recessed at 5:41 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 5:51 p.m.
Sherry Fieldhouse, Cadder Ave
-Spoke to the area growing to a beautiful area
- Concerned about what might happen to the area with more development and congestion
-SPoke to the back of her property the adjacent lot could be built to 6 stories
Jonathan Douglas, Coronation Ave
-SPoke to the addressing and asked that they change it to lane
Glen Harris ??? Road
-Spoke to affordability and the ability to purchase a house into the community.
-Spoke to housing affordability not detracting from the character of the neighbourhood.
-Spoke to densifying neighbourhoods across the community including the heritage conservation area.
Pat Munro, 368 Cadder Ave
-Spoke to the HCA being small percentage of the overall area of the community.
-Spoke to tourism draw of the HCA
-Spoke to visistors stopping to read the heritage designation sign
- SPoke to time to make a decision until end of 2025 and to stand up to the PRovince
Derek Plseines, 2020 Long St
-Concerned with the size of the change and the lack of public input.
-Moved to the area because it is a heritage area.
-Spoke to COucnillor Lovegrove being in conflict
Peter CHattaway, 388 Cadder Ave
-Requested a delay in the transit area.
-decision being made will lead to the demise of the HCA
-Development guidelines should be conservation guidelines verus being development oriented.
-lived in the area since 1991
-spoke to a serious change in the form and character of the area
-City should try and mitigate the loses when their is changes to the HCA. Give additional tools, eg heritage alternation permits for heritage registered homes, reinstate the Heritage Advisory Committee.
-Encourage conservation covenants to protect areas
Susan Ames, 1833 Abbott St
-Spoke to the HCA representing less than 1% of the entire area of the community
-Spoke to the provincial requirement for four plexes and density transfer.
-Commerical and insitutional not acceptable in a residential HCA
-SPoke to transit hub at the hospital
-Need to make sure that the new builds follow the guidelines of the HCA.
TOA (Transit Orientated Areas) should not be removed from the HCA
Brenda Rusnack, 409 Park Ave
-Spoke to building and going through the HAP process
-Does not see the area being able to embrace affordable housing.
-Spoke to density transfer
-Spoke to lack of public consultation
-Spoke to the City online survey with over 40% not living in the HCA.
-Requested Council stand up to the Province.
There was no one online
- Responded to questions from Council.
-The Mayor spoke to the Mayor's caucaus and how this is impacting every heritage area in the province.
with no other exception allowed across the Province.
There were no further comments.