City of Kelowna

Public Hearing


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Present
  • Mayor Colin Basran
  • Councillor Maxine DeHart
  • Councillor Gail Given
  • Councillor Charlie Hodge
  • Councillor Brad Sieben
  • Councillor Mohini Singh
  • Councillor Luke Stack
  • Councillor Loyal Wooldridge
Members Absent
  • Councillor Ryan Donn
Staff Present
  • City Clerk, Stephen Fleming
  • Council Recording Secretary, Arlene McClelland
  • Doug Gilchrist

Mayor Basran called the Hearing to order at 4:04 p.m.

Mayor Basran advised that the purpose of the Hearing is to consider certain bylaws which, if adopted, will amend "Kelowna 2030 - Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 10500" and Zoning Bylaw No. 8000", and all submissions received, either in writing or verbally, will be taken into consideration when the proposed bylaws are presented for reading at the Regular Council Meeting which follows this Public Hearing.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application..

Birte Decloux, Urban Options Planning ,Applicant

- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation.

- neighbour concern it is before council again it was waived

Concerns from neighboursparking , sidewlalks and infill devleeopment being too much for hte area.

- proposed configuations will be a duplex with 4 parking stalls, single family with 2 parking stalls, confident parking will be contained on site.  

- sidewalks - only has sidewalks in the neighbourhood are located adacent of the enclave.  we will need to upgrade rattenbury and sherwood, inlcujding curb gutter and sidwsalk.

- too much infill concerns, they are unique in desirable location and very large in size.  spoke to recent changes in the area. the property in question, is within the permanent growth boundary.  surrouding area is well served withparks schools, transit and local commercial hub.

Available for questions.

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

Online Participants

Rob Wilson, 654 sherwood court

why does it have to be an ru6 zoning?  future use for the lot is ru2 could that not handle the proposed development?

- raised concerns with parking in the neighbourhood, agressing and egressing into the development concerns.


- we are choosign ru6 as ru2 is not availabale to us. property has deep configuration, the ru6 lets best utilization of the land, will add 3 units to the neibhourhood, duplex and single family best way to move forward, instead of ru2 with 3 small lots.

Responded to questions from Council.

spoke to parking concerns, full size driveways that will accommodate additoinal family members.

There were no further comments.


The Hearing was declared terminated at 416

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 416

Mayor - Parking meets bylaw requirements.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Singh

    THAT Bylaw No. 12264 be read a second and third time.


The meeting was declared terminated at 418

Mayor Basran called the Hearing to order at 418 p.m.

Mayor Basran advised that the purpose of the Hearing is to consider certain bylaws which, if adopted, will amend "Kelowna 2030 - Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 10500" and Zoning Bylaw No. 8000", and all submissions received, either in writing or verbally, will be taken into consideration when the proposed bylaws are presented for reading at the Regular Council Meeting which follows this Public Hearing.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application..

Paul Passutto 1021 Ellis Street., Applicant

- building august family purchased a year ago.  

- looking for ta and get approval to build this building.  showed perspective from highway and Spectrum Road.  

- Responded to questions from Council.

- No feedback when did public consultation with concerns.

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

No one online came forward.

No one came forward from the Gallery.


There were no further comments.

The Hearing was declared terminated at 423

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 423

  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Singh

    THAT Bylaw No. 12284 be read a second and third time.


The meeting was declared terminated at  423 pm

Mayor Basran called the Hearing to order at 4:30 p.m.

Mayor Basran advised that the purpose of the Hearing is to consider certain bylaws which, if adopted, will amend "Kelowna 2030 - Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 10500" and Zoning Bylaw No. 8000", and all submissions received, either in writing or verbally, will be taken into consideration when the proposed bylaws are presented for reading at the Regular Council Meeting which follows this Public Hearing.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.

Jean belevour, 467 Quinton street Calgary AB., Applicant

- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentatin.

- Introduction to the Development Team.

- recently have developed in Kelowna.  gives good indication of quality of design they are putting forward.  examples of that they deliver what they promise.

- how we go there, ARFP process for the disposla of this site,  P1 to C7 zolning was appropropriate.  C7r zoning looking at.

Project Criteria- mixed use development 6000 for kelowna cultural district committment on developers part to ensure the design of the podium continued as is the RFP.  Will be lead certified.  

- publis consultation took place ealry in process.  

- rezoning unlocks urban potential.  distintice develoment.

300 plus residents to downtown core, enhance the business community.

- Spoke to projject vision, density 300 residential units, diversity thru unit typology.  mixed used coponene of office and retial.  human scale will be very important in how it reacts to streetscape.  

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

Online Participants



No one online came forward.






No one from the Gallery came forward.

There were no further comments.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.

@., Applicant

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

Online Participants



No one online came forward.


