City of Kelowna

Public Hearing and Associated Regular Meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Present
  • Mayor Colin Basran, 
  • Councillor Maxine DeHart, 
  • Councillor Ryan Donn, 
  • Councillor Gail Given, 
  • Councillor Charlie Hodge, 
  • Councillor Mohini Singh, 
  • Councillor Luke Stack, 
  • Councillor Loyal Wooldridge, 
  • Council Recording Secretary, Arlene McClelland, 
  • Doug Gilchrist, 
  • and Laura Bentley
Members Absent
  • Councillor Brad Sieben

.Mayor Basran called the Hearing to order at .6:03 pm

Mayor Basran advised that the purpose of the Hearing is to consider certain bylaws which, if adopted, will amend "Kelowna 2040 - Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 12300" and Zoning Bylaw No. 8000", and all submissions received, either in writing or verbally, will be taken into consideration when the proposed bylaws are presented for reading at the Regular Council Meeting which follows this Public Hearing.



- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application..

Gail Temple Westcorp Cook Road, Applicant 

-  Spoke o the background of the project

- spoketo firt phase, famly orented townhomes are already under construction.

- seeking amendments to simplifythe zones  worked closely with city staff on these refinements.

- clarify no change to density and traffic expectations.  lost 100 units from what we thought we might achieve, no change in tafic, access was approved in 2013.  wilson creek linear park was approved in 2013.  

designed improved water quality and rpiarian area, pedestrian crossing light will be installed on lakeshore road for safety and by manteo resort and connects to the board walk.

- 1000 residental rental by westcopr 

b and b is not allowed.  Held to the rquirements of section 8 for parking ratios.  

- 120 stalls will be built and providing more than needed parking.  our project has always  been a rental project. 

- when rental agreement expires, create and managem one of the infse rental properties.

- added daycare use in ourzone, 100 space on site child facility.  fill ongoing need for daycare sapce in kelowna.  agreed to finish hte 

Rob Sessnick, presentation.

- spoke to 2013 issues with concept was 19 buildings on site, tried to take density where it worked from an urban design standpoint.  

- displayed slides of property, urban design move to create a reish amenity lifetslyle development.  parking was truly not resolved.  3 storey parking structure so no on street parking.  minimal on street parking.  placing townhomes along the perimeter,  created a great green space.  Density has not changed since 2013 concept.  by moving towrs back it improves urban feel along lakeshore drive.  more sensitive approach. 

- displayed a view looking along lakeshore south, provided a more urban interface along lakeshore drive.

- TAhere is precedent, 17 storey tower in the area, manteeo is along the water and we are setback, terrae type devleopment. 

- did shadow studies and showed images.  shadow would fall back onto our site.  

- 17 storey tower was roated to minimize shadow impact to the north and brought back to our property.  

- Wilson creek linear park, is a positive community benefit.  

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

Online Participants:

Dave Allen 3745 Mission springs drive

- concerned with the height. like project and looks great but it is too big, desnity proposing is almost twice what is allowabel in the village centre zoning.  maximum is 6 stories.  from 6 to 17 is almost tripling the heighty which is too much.  will change the character of the neighbouhood.Point of OCP is to have rules and framework for infrastructure that works.  

- raised concern with traffic function on Lakeshore Road. - this many units is too much.  adding 17 storey towers is too much.

- raised concern with schools, and where children would good.

- will change the view and shade.  

- not against development but need to respect single family neighbourhood.  Questions if there needs to that much to make the development work.

- raised concern with parking.  Streets are constantly filled with vehicles to access condos and townhouse.  do not want transient traffic.  

- raised concern with rental component

 concerned with height density and parking concerns.

- what protection for parking will be put in place in our neighbourhood.

- Responded to questions from Council.

Paul Clark, also speaking onbehalf of KLO NA 3002 abbot street

- discussions with board, alot of unanswered questions, 

- concerns for transportation and walkability and sidewalk potential in this neighbourhood.  

- wonder about a sidewalk from site to Berah for kids wanting togo to school.  east side of lakeshore sidewlk.

- traffic cirle in front of this  building, who pays for the circle?  developer or city and thru taxes.

- transportation analysis appears to use older numbers and older volumes that were even assessed piror to Aquar being fulling built out, worried about the height of buildings taking away from ground space.  to build higher

- survey with members, 98% of 60 people were not in favour from 11 to 17 stoires, not getting enough amenities in return.what are the extra amenities being provided for this height change.  would like to see somehting more substantial like community centre on site or fix up rotary  beach.  

- we appreciate council very much for Dccs for park development.  

Tracey Davis, 255 Lake Avenue - On Line

- many points have been raised alrady

- concern from 11 to 17 storeis, as concrete will be used

- concerned with lack of amenities.  daycare and that's all.  

- concerned with lack of transportation plan

- raised concern with height, people will lose view.  

- where will kids go to school in the area.

Jane Vallentyne, Mallards Landing 105

- new resident, lives on back of Wilsons Creek.

- liked OCP to protect riparian areas of our waterways.

- Puzzles me that southside of this development that go under mandated 15 m.  sensitive habitat for our eco systems.  

- it is very close to the creek and concerned how trees will be taken down wihen the bridge goes in. erosion of banks, and wind patterns due to trees being removed.  Raised concern with damage to the riparian areas. 

Gallery:(1) first speaker

Marlene Cross 4 - 3775  Springbrook Road

-Inqiured by shadowing of 4 storey condos and raised concern.

- raised concern with people looking into neighbours yards or shadowing their backyards

- raised  concern with parking, issue if it is not going to solve the parking issues because of the public beach across the street. would lose a lot of public parking.

- happy the creek will be cleaned up and made public. 

- don't believe increasing the height - need to stay at the allowance height  they keep changing the height and being increased.  

- from bedroom cannot see west kelowna anymore, cannot see the sky, just see the condos now. 

- Utility will be a big issue with a thousand units.  driveway being torn up for services.

Walter Havens 645 Berrra Road 

- primary concern is with the 17 stories.

- Spoke to 2040 OCP scaling and massing.  

- home looks directly into this development.  will not be able to see skyline and forest views. 

- this is visual pollution.  

- spoke to riparian areas and beaches is what makes this city beautiful not development and what it offers and will also come as a cost.

- spoke to shortage of affordable housing.  

- No issues with long term rentals. 

- Raised concerns with constant change with this development. 

- Believes this is visual pollution - concrete and carbon is a big issue.  

Craig Morgan 678 Cook Road

- Raised concern is parking and sheer volume in the neighbourhood. , reduce 10% parking.  currrently has high volume of parking and volume on cook road

- raised concern with noise pollution.  landscaping companies 2 to 3 days a weeks.

Gail Temple

- responded to questions from intervenors

- we pay for round about and sidewalk on lakeshore.

- things have not changed with our project in 2013, first time we have been back since then.

- one benefit of rental development, full time security on this site and will be so well managed.  when managed rental call you will know who to call.

- rental housing is a form of affordable housing.  want lifestyle built right in, 2.7 acres of outdoor amenity.  

- height we are not asking for density bonus, moving units around on the site, putting concrete in a different place.


- Displayed a slide showing 11 storey building and visual impact ot the east is more impacted. by consolidating density and maintain visual corridors is more a sustainable approach.  . environmentally sensitive approach.

Peter Joyce Underwood Avenue

- worked on since 2007 traffic impact assessment done in 2013 and did a comprehensive update to TIA in 2020 and did account for completion of aqua development, that work has been disturbed to he city and staff have reviewed that, in 2020 more focussed assessment of roundabout, transportation has been thoroughly covered.  

- the transportation study in 2020 was based on a bigger project 1100, now it is 996 units, overstating the project from study 2 years ago

- meets parking requirements.  in this case the reduction is just 10% confident this is the right parking number 1191 stalls, 1154 is what is required by the bylaw requirement.  

- the developer will supply 10 vehicles for tenant car pool.  

Jason Schleppe 4055 Field Road

-  this is a highly disturbed site.  what can we do to improve riparian condition.  the setback meets all city OCP requiremntts.  we are trying to IMPROVE the riparian area. we are not harming eco system. this is a current urban environment, dealing with horse fish.  increase structure for habitat from the province, should be a net improvement to riparian area.  


- Responded to questions from Council.


- Responded to questions from Council.

There were no further comments.

​The Hearing was declared terminated at 740

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 740

Hodge - Opposed

  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Given

    THAT Bylaw No.12366 be read a second and third time.


The meeting was declared terminated at 8:06

The meeting recessed at 8:06 p.m.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application..

CandaceTtory 509 eldorado road, kirkock development, Applicant 

-  Available for questions.

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

No one participating online or in the Gallery indicated they wished to speak.

There were no further comments.

The Hearing was declared terminated at 817

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 8:17

  • Moved ByCouncillor Given
    Seconded ByCouncillor Wooldridge

    THAT Bylaw No. 12372 be read a second and third time and be adopted.


The meeting was declared terminated at 818


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application.

Andrew Bruce, Keith Road, Applicant 

-  Available for questions.

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

Andrew Bruce

- Responded to questions from Council.

- building rights in ponds area, this represents 2/3 of what we have remaining.  around 60 more lots remaining for development.

There were no further comments.

The Hearing was declared terminated at 823

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 8:23

  • Moved ByCouncillor Given
    Seconded ByCouncillor Wooldridge

    THAT Bylaw No. 12376 be read a second and third time and be adopted.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Given

    THAT Bylaw No. 12377 be read a second and third time and be adopted.


The meeting was declared terminated at 824@ p.m.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application.

Hazel Christy, ,Christine and Associates Applicant  Carmen Chanasick 

-  Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation

- Provided hisotry of the property.

- Planning for the tower ranch started nearly 40 years ago.  ocncept plan recieved Agr land approval

- Technical studies and environmental studies, influenced the initial design work.

- Large green areas will be preserved in its natural sate.  10 hectares.  

- natural open and attention givne to wildlife 

- Parkbridge began operations in 1998.  

- Land lease offers an  affordable home ownership model - own a home while leasing the land home owners carry cost

- will provide amenities and open space, will provide another options for housing in the community.

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

Gallery: (guy was first - then online

John Dirken 1713 Boulevard President of Tower Ranch Community Association 

- 340 homes in their community

- Raised concern with long term issue with speed along tower ranch boulevard which is an extension of McCurdy Road.

- Raised concern with increase in traffic.  

- AGM held and traffic control was a hot issue, for 40 homeowners but as well as as 130 homes

- asking for adequate traffic calming along the boulevard.

- will provide cost sharing to address the situation.

Online Participants:

Katrina Schibler, 1624 Tower Ranch Drive

- do drive up tower ranch boulevard, concern with traffic, any emergency requriement to leave this devleopment a round about would be required at the golf course to turn left onto tower ranch.  more homes coming down this road during an emergency would be aconcern.

- converned with very low water pressure. concered with infrastructure in place for water flow.

- with it being a strata Parkbridge will always be the wear and tear on our roads and the widths of our roads; concerned with 8 years of construction.  

- Raised concerns that sandbags are being used as a retaining wall.  

- concerned of any blasting for those who live below.

H Enns, 1740 Tall Grass Trail

- new resident adjacent to tower ranch Boulevard

- raised concerns with traffic noise pollutions and increased visitor to our area.

- Construction noise 7 days a week in City's bylaw. 

- Asking for modifications to pedestrian crossing, reduced speeds and round abouts for residents safety.  


- Tower ranch community association speed and traffic control concerns.

Parkridge is a member of TRCA is prepared to participate in type of solution that comes forward.

- concerns with construction and noise, there is alot of construction in kelowna however it is a short term thing, once the neighbourhood is in place and can be said for entire region of Kelowna

Parkbridge took note of the concerns and will implement controls with contractors and whatever they can do to alleviate the concerns

- Responded to questions from Council.

There were no further comments.

The Hearing was declared terminated at 8:51

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 8:51

City Manager:

- this venue does raise profile of issues.  is high on the radar and are triaging for safety measures.  

  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Given

    THAT Bylaw No. 12379 be read a second and third time.


M - Given

S - Wooldridge

THAT cOUNCIL DIRECT Staff follow up on requress for potnetial solutions for the issus on tower ranch bouleveard


  • Moved ByCouncillor DeHart
    Seconded ByCouncillor Stack

    THAT Bylaw No. 12380 be read a second and third time.


The meeting was declared terminated at 859


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application.

Eric Deluerm Hight street Ventures 3175 Webber Rd w Kelowna, Applicant 

-  Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation.

- spoke to outline

- based in kelowna street since 2005 specialize in sustainable buildings with high quality finishings.BC Energy Step Code 4 buildings

- Spoke to their mission and goals, will  complete 2500 net zero ready homes by end of 2024

- provided a project overview

  - four 5 storey residential buildings

  - one 1 storey community amenity building

  - 47 x 3 bedroom units; 151 x 2 bedroom units; 66 x 1 bedroom units and 34 x bachelor units.

- plan to plant more than 250 trees of all varying sizes and species.  3000 shrubs and  bushes to create a vibrant greenscape.  this will become the trail connections.  

- spoke to amenity space with dedicate park space, integrated landscape design, community fitness centre, community social centre and community garden, pedestrian scale streetscape and complete community vision. 

- Believes this is a sustainable development with carbon free home, solar powered common areas and base building needs; net zero energy ready and step code 4 energy compliance.

Spoke to the benefits the rezoning provided. will cobe consteruction a right rurn lane at intersectin of steel road to gordon drive, right hand turning east, cost share agreement with other developers of ponds centre, gordon and frost

will be installing full pedestrian corssing at frost and steele to provide safe accessto and from the school.

- Spoke to the 2040 OCP - high quality urban design and pedestiran connection throughout the site.  

- to improve the functionality of the site and that is why we are asking to amend the OCP.  

- Spoke to the values; do not want to build and leave want to be part of this community.  will stand by our product.

Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

Online Participants:

Robert Taylopr 1060 Legie Court upper mission

- requjriest to investiage with concerns submitted list of concerns

- community safety with excess of vehicles.  

- additional of 400 vehicles increases potential for conflict

2 - Village centres should be at grade and walkable.  few homes are walkable to this area.  compounding safety  issues of vehicles.

3 - limit road to be viable option if a fire was to break out.  raised concern with emergency vehicle access and to leave if an emergneyc would occur

- this will change the fabric of the community we have invested in.  

David Jenkins 5086 south ridege drive OK Mission Residnetial asss

- concern the traffic along frost road.

support concept of putting a light at grodon and frost and flashing light near school.

- issue of traffi of traffic along frost needs to be done.  suggesting this be brought fwd dur to increase traffic.  

- frost will be punched thru to Chute lake.  

cncern with pedestiran safety and south ridege and frost.  increasing vehicle and pedestiran traffic

- suggest the whhole look at Frost road is looked at for impacts.

safety concers for normal use and in  terms of evacuation for woldfire.  

consideration should be given to intersections that are steep.  winter maintenacne should be looked at or used friction coatings at these interesctions.  

- concerns with the appearance of form and character.  

 1 acceleratee the TIA for Frost Road connection to south perimter and chute lake and 2 devleoper work with staff on the Form and Character criteria.


Rob Landry, 1538 Longhill drive

- roads are failry narrow, gtraffic goes quickly

school area, steele and frost intersection is very unsafe kids almost got hit.

- not sure lights will prevent this.  it is on a steep downhill slope.  

- raissed concern with safety with kids

- ways out of the neighbourhood in case of emergency.  is a concern

- 300 unit will add  more vehicle traffic and we cannot sustain what we have currently.

- transportation 1 bus may come up in the area, need  more bus transportation. 

- original plan was to put in townhomes which fits better in our neighoubhood, now its changed to rentals.  townhomes would better suit our neighbourhoods.

Craig Dittmer, 1296 Ponds

- traffic will be an issue

- schools are at capacity and where are these students going.



Blake Clark, 1156 Frost Road

- in favour or multi family on site, cncenred with sheer number of units and the vehicle load.

- traffic study, would be private cars, not density where there is transporation infrastructure.

 no bus service in the upper mission area.

raised concern with amount of evtra vehicles this develoment will create.  

good development but not in the right place.

support muli family devleoment.

consider less density and help with car depdendent.



- Responded to intervenors concerns.

5 story proposed height, was proposed as a technically or conceral the parkade, it is a hillside development, half building is 4 storey, density does not change.  

height concern, building height is below elevation of Gordon Drive, no views lost.

city parks have been engaged with trail alighment and produce pedestiran cirucaltion from upper gordon drive.

Townhomes was never part of our proposal, form and characer concern working with city staff for past year, design concepts have been ciruclated and helped with overall end design for this.  

the colours are in devleopent with our architect

A TIA was completed and worked with city staff and engineering.  taken under their advisement to upgrade the 3 intersections spoken about previously.

- Responded to questions from Council.


- Responded to questions from Council

There were no further comments.

The Hearing was declared terminated at 9:41

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 9:41

Stack - concerned on how the village centre is going to look and it's importance to the community..

  • Moved ByCouncillor Stack
    Seconded ByCouncillor Donn

    THAT Bylaw No. 12382 be read a second and third time.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Donn
    Seconded ByCouncillor Stack

    THAT Bylaw No. 12383 be read a second and third time.


The meeting was declared terminated at 951

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