Councillor Sieben rejoined the meeting at 8:16 p.m.
- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.
Nola Kilmartin, WSP 421 Able Place Applicant
- .Shared a PowerPoint Presentation
- Jeff ashita and brian Menzies are on line as well.
- noted site location, with map of crushing location. to crush on site, if it cannot be and hauled away, have read resident concerns, material found on site will be crushed; make fewr truck trips reduce road congestion and improve safety areound the site.
- the goals maximum separation distance to residences, crusher has decibal at 90 to 99 drops with 50 m separation, crusher will be seperated by 50 m and will reduce noise nuisance. stockpile material and process in batches. times of day came from resident consultations. This will minimize crushing duratin.
- spoke to dust mitigation - spray water at the source to dampen dust.
- Spoke to Noise, subject to Noise Bylaw restrictions. Complied with request of 8 am to 6 pm minus weekends and holidays.
- spoke to consultation, residents and businesses in the area. reduced hours of operation by costco construction team.
- Responded to questions from Council.
Brian Menzies - Construction Project Manager - Harrison Court
- Rock crushing equipment has a wash bar, it sprays water into the hopper where material is processed. intent of that feature to migitage air born dust. another factor, for noise and locate crusher in centre of the site to reduce air borne dust. No vibration is expected with the central location. further away we are from residences the less impactful we will be on those properties. it is a mobile equipment size of dump truck, it is static and sits in one place, it will not produce vibration. Goetech Survey done before beginning? As part of permitting and planning process the geotech survey was done, dates, geo study done early in the study, revealed there could be large boulders on the property that's what stemmed us to look at how material is managed in environmental sustainable way, had to do with natural progression of the project, development permitting took longer than expected, This Permit application was made early April, work has progressed, volume of oversized material is lower than expected, 21 day period will not be exceeded.
Has Interior Health been consulted regarding respiratory issues- did not contact IHA for TUP.
If permitted thru this process to adjust the timing, room to adjust hours of operation as long as it doesn't impact process.
If could not get a crushing machine with wash bar other ways to mitigate.
Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
Online Participants:
Stuart ? 222-1965 Durnham Road Bristol Gardens
representng myself and family and 1157 Strata
- there is no mititation having dust particles, movement of the reock crushing device will move it from one area of distrurbance to another. thre was a low amount of harvested material on site, additional material still needs to come onto the site. if more material brought onsite to crush
Raised concern with noise, many work from home and noise is disruptive.
concern of where material is processed. is more material being brought in to be crushed on site. There is not enough material to crush on site.
Bill Doyle, Briston Gardens
- the strata council was in support of costco coming to this site. City Council stated commercialdevelomenet potential even tho residential in OCP, we knew there was going to be construction. in support of this. it will reduce traffic and conjection
Ron Ready, 1765 Leckie Road Dilworth Green
- We are the furthest away of the property and we have had a great deal of dustrin our units and our roads. WSP Engineer and complained about the dust on the site with current constructoin. he assured me he would relay message to general contractor. Inadequate water srources to mitigate the dust.
- There is also ground vibration disturbance in our residence.
- Someone had to be aware of rocky soil conditions and should have been dealt with long before now.
- new project at baron and Dilworth Drive, hauled rock off their site in the past week or so, basically WSP and Costco it is just a cost driven that they don't want to deal with.
- Not in support of this. need to mitigate the dust on this site currently
- Importing of material is not the intent, crusher to process by product of what is on site only.
- Responded to questions from Council.
- Any construction site there is dust and will address with team to see that improvements continue to mitigate concerns.
- Open to discussion with staff and Nola to reduce hours 9 am to 5 pm.
- Amendments can be made at Public Hearing to make changes to the TUP.
City Clerk
- The bylaw allows council to make amendments to the TUP at PH, can reduce them but cannot expand them.
Singh - some residents could have respiratory issues that live in the area, has there been talks with IHA.
Would have to take that to Costco team to address or consider.
- Responded to questions from Council.
There were no further comments.
Given - Support
Sieben -
Stack - Support
Wooldridge - Opposed
Hodge - Opposed