- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application..
Gail Temple Westcorp Cook Road, Applicant
- Spoke o the background of the project
- spoketo firt phase, famly orented townhomes are already under construction.
- seeking amendments to simplifythe zones worked closely with city staff on these refinements.
- clarify no change to density and traffic expectations. lost 100 units from what we thought we might achieve, no change in tafic, access was approved in 2013. wilson creek linear park was approved in 2013.
designed improved water quality and rpiarian area, pedestrian crossing light will be installed on lakeshore road for safety and by manteo resort and connects to the board walk.
- 1000 residental rental by westcopr
b and b is not allowed. Held to the rquirements of section 8 for parking ratios.
- 120 stalls will be built and providing more than needed parking. our project has always been a rental project.
- when rental agreement expires, create and managem one of the infse rental properties.
- added daycare use in ourzone, 100 space on site child facility. fill ongoing need for daycare sapce in kelowna. agreed to finish hte
Rob Sessnick, presentation.
- spoke to 2013 issues with concept was 19 buildings on site, tried to take density where it worked from an urban design standpoint.
- displayed slides of property, urban design move to create a reish amenity lifetslyle development. parking was truly not resolved. 3 storey parking structure so no on street parking. minimal on street parking. placing townhomes along the perimeter, created a great green space. Density has not changed since 2013 concept. by moving towrs back it improves urban feel along lakeshore drive. more sensitive approach.
- displayed a view looking along lakeshore south, provided a more urban interface along lakeshore drive.
- TAhere is precedent, 17 storey tower in the area, manteeo is along the water and we are setback, terrae type devleopment.
- did shadow studies and showed images. shadow would fall back onto our site.
- 17 storey tower was roated to minimize shadow impact to the north and brought back to our property.
- Wilson creek linear park, is a positive community benefit.
Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
Online Participants:
Dave Allen 3745 Mission springs drive
- concerned with the height. like project and looks great but it is too big, desnity proposing is almost twice what is allowabel in the village centre zoning. maximum is 6 stories. from 6 to 17 is almost tripling the heighty which is too much. will change the character of the neighbouhood.Point of OCP is to have rules and framework for infrastructure that works.
- raised concern with traffic function on Lakeshore Road. - this many units is too much. adding 17 storey towers is too much.
- raised concern with schools, and where children would good.
- will change the view and shade.
- not against development but need to respect single family neighbourhood. Questions if there needs to that much to make the development work.
- raised concern with parking. Streets are constantly filled with vehicles to access condos and townhouse. do not want transient traffic.
- raised concern with rental component
concerned with height density and parking concerns.
- what protection for parking will be put in place in our neighbourhood.
- Responded to questions from Council.
Paul Clark, also speaking onbehalf of KLO NA 3002 abbot street
- discussions with board, alot of unanswered questions,
- concerns for transportation and walkability and sidewalk potential in this neighbourhood.
- wonder about a sidewalk from site to Berah for kids wanting togo to school. east side of lakeshore sidewlk.
- traffic cirle in front of this building, who pays for the circle? developer or city and thru taxes.
- transportation analysis appears to use older numbers and older volumes that were even assessed piror to Aquar being fulling built out, worried about the height of buildings taking away from ground space. to build higher
- survey with members, 98% of 60 people were not in favour from 11 to 17 stoires, not getting enough amenities in return.what are the extra amenities being provided for this height change. would like to see somehting more substantial like community centre on site or fix up rotary beach.
- we appreciate council very much for Dccs for park development.
Tracey Davis, 255 Lake Avenue - On Line
- many points have been raised alrady
- concern from 11 to 17 storeis, as concrete will be used
- concerned with lack of amenities. daycare and that's all.
- concerned with lack of transportation plan
- raised concern with height, people will lose view.
- where will kids go to school in the area.
Jane Vallentyne, Mallards Landing 105
- new resident, lives on back of Wilsons Creek.
- liked OCP to protect riparian areas of our waterways.
- Puzzles me that southside of this development that go under mandated 15 m. sensitive habitat for our eco systems.
- it is very close to the creek and concerned how trees will be taken down wihen the bridge goes in. erosion of banks, and wind patterns due to trees being removed. Raised concern with damage to the riparian areas.
Gallery:(1) first speaker
Marlene Cross 4 - 3775 Springbrook Road
-Inqiured by shadowing of 4 storey condos and raised concern.
- raised concern with people looking into neighbours yards or shadowing their backyards
- raised concern with parking, issue if it is not going to solve the parking issues because of the public beach across the street. would lose a lot of public parking.
- happy the creek will be cleaned up and made public.
- don't believe increasing the height - need to stay at the allowance height they keep changing the height and being increased.
- from bedroom cannot see west kelowna anymore, cannot see the sky, just see the condos now.
- Utility will be a big issue with a thousand units. driveway being torn up for services.
Walter Havens 645 Berrra Road
- primary concern is with the 17 stories.
- Spoke to 2040 OCP scaling and massing.
- home looks directly into this development. will not be able to see skyline and forest views.
- this is visual pollution.
- spoke to riparian areas and beaches is what makes this city beautiful not development and what it offers and will also come as a cost.
- spoke to shortage of affordable housing.
- No issues with long term rentals.
- Raised concerns with constant change with this development.
- Believes this is visual pollution - concrete and carbon is a big issue.
Craig Morgan 678 Cook Road
- Raised concern is parking and sheer volume in the neighbourhood. , reduce 10% parking. currrently has high volume of parking and volume on cook road
- raised concern with noise pollution. landscaping companies 2 to 3 days a weeks.
Gail Temple
- responded to questions from intervenors
- we pay for round about and sidewalk on lakeshore.
- things have not changed with our project in 2013, first time we have been back since then.
- one benefit of rental development, full time security on this site and will be so well managed. when managed rental call you will know who to call.
- rental housing is a form of affordable housing. want lifestyle built right in, 2.7 acres of outdoor amenity.
- height we are not asking for density bonus, moving units around on the site, putting concrete in a different place.
- Displayed a slide showing 11 storey building and visual impact ot the east is more impacted. by consolidating density and maintain visual corridors is more a sustainable approach. . environmentally sensitive approach.
Peter Joyce Underwood Avenue
- worked on since 2007 traffic impact assessment done in 2013 and did a comprehensive update to TIA in 2020 and did account for completion of aqua development, that work has been disturbed to he city and staff have reviewed that, in 2020 more focussed assessment of roundabout, transportation has been thoroughly covered.
- the transportation study in 2020 was based on a bigger project 1100, now it is 996 units, overstating the project from study 2 years ago
- meets parking requirements. in this case the reduction is just 10% confident this is the right parking number 1191 stalls, 1154 is what is required by the bylaw requirement.
- the developer will supply 10 vehicles for tenant car pool.
Jason Schleppe 4055 Field Road
- this is a highly disturbed site. what can we do to improve riparian condition. the setback meets all city OCP requiremntts. we are trying to IMPROVE the riparian area. we are not harming eco system. this is a current urban environment, dealing with horse fish. increase structure for habitat from the province, should be a net improvement to riparian area.
- Responded to questions from Council.
- Responded to questions from Council.
There were no further comments.