- Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the amendments to the City of Kelowna proposed ZOning bylaw update in relation to the Agriculture zones, and rural residential zones as outlined in the report.
- Staff reviewed the sections of the Zoning bylaw that will not be undergoing any proposed changes inlcuding rv prhobiition and rirprarian area setbbacks, temporary farm worker housing.
Staff reviewed the updated agriculture and rural residential interpretations and definitions.
Staff responded to questions from the committee.
Staff reviewed the proposed updates to Agriculture and Rural Residential Zones.
Staff responded to questions from the Committee.
Confirmed that A2 - Carriage House designation would be new allowance to the zone.
Farm retail sales were removed from the non ALR A1 as it will ensure there is farming on the property.
Confirmed the 10/10 rule with public engagement being actively pursued through a number of mediums including social media, website, and local newspaper.
Existing nonconforming would apply for I2 to A1 changes triggered by the Zoning bylaws.
Discussion ensued about properties that are in the ALR but not A1 over several decades of policy.
Staff confirmed that there are no significant use changes in RR zones. ANimal CLinics only differneece between rr1 and RR2
Staff reviewed the proposed new setbacks for the urban rural interfaces outlined in Schedule C of the report.
Staff responded to questions from the Committee.
- Staff confirmed most setbacks followed provincnial regs: Guide to edge planning guidelines.
- Proposed site coverage of 8000m squared or greater the max percentage is 35% is existing zoning requirements. structures in the A1 zone is 35% were not provided by provincial legislation.
- Discussion ensued rgarding imperable surface examples
- Anedotal COmments - regarding Schedule C - 30 and 35% on A1 is too high for site coverage of structure. City review and consider reducing it.
Staff confirmed next steps to COuncil via workshop and public oncsultation
Staff and external stakeholders were thanked for their input to developing the changes.