Agricultural Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street


(a)    The purpose of this Meeting is to consider certain Development Applications as noted on this meeting Agenda.

(b)    The Reports to Committee concerning the subject development applications are available on the City's website at

(c)     All representations to the Agricultural Advisory Committee form part of the public record.

(d)     As an Advisory Committee of Council, the Agricultural Advisory Comittee will make a recommendation of support or non-support for each application as part of the public process.  City Council will consider the application at a future date and, depending on the nature of the file, will make a decision or a recommendation to the Agricultural Land Commission.

To appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair for 2018.

The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from the C2 – Neighbourhood Commercial zone to the C3 – Community Commercial zone. The applicant has also applied for a Development Permit to construct 9 residential units above a 10,400 square feet of commercial space and two floors of underground parking. A development variance permit has also been applied for to reduce the agriculture buffer width from 3.0m to 2.0m for an 8.0m portion along the southern property line. The property is located in an agricultural interface area. Community Planning Staff would like the AAC to comment on the proposed rezoning proposal and the agricultural buffer design located along the southern parcel boundary.

The applicant is requesting permission from the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) under Section 20(3) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act for a non-farm use to construct a water reservoir on a portion of the subject property, and is requesting permission from the ALC under Section 21(2) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act for subdivision of the portion of the property for the reservoir.

Approve Minutes of the Meeting of January 11, 2018.

To provide the Committee with an update on Agricultural Land Commission decisions.

February 8, 2018