City of KelownaRegular Council MeetingAGENDATuesday, August 23, 2022 6:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to Order 2.Reaffirmation of Oath of Office The Oath of Office will be read by Councillor Stack.3.Confirmation of Minutes 1.Draft Minutes - August 9 2022 Reg.pdfRegular Meeting - August 9, 20224.Development Permit and Development Variance Permit Reports Mayor to invite anyone participating online or in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward for each item.4.1START TIME 6:00 PM - Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850, BL12127 (Z20-0045) - 1291224 BC Ltd., Inc.No. BC1291224 1.BL12127 Z20-0045 Chandler St 1840-1850 and Belaire Ave 1365.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 12127 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM6 - High Rise Apartment Housing zone.4.2START TIME 6:00 PM - Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850 - DP20-0122 DVP20-0123 - 1291224 BC Ltd., Inc.No. BC1291224 1.Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850 - DP20-0122 DVP20-0123 - 1291224 BC Ltd., Inc.No. BC1291224.pdf2.Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850, DP20-0122 DVP20-0123 - Attachments.pdf3.Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850, DP20-0122 DVP20-0123 - STAFF.pdfTo issue a Development Permit and Development Variance Permit for the form and character of Multiple Dwelling Housing with variances to maximum site coverage and minimum flanking side yard (north and south).4.3START TIME 6:00 PM - Boynton Pl 630 - DP22-0054 DVP22-0056 - 1288666 BC Ltd., Inc.No. BC1288666 1.Boynton Pl 630 - DP22-0054 DVP22-0056 - 1288666 BC Ltd., Inc.No. BC1288666.pdf2.DP22-0054_DVP22-0056 - Attachment A -Draft Development and Development Variance Permit.pdf3.DP22-0054 - Attachment B - Development Engineering Memo.pdf4.DP22-0054 - Attachment C - Guidelines Checklist - Chapter 4 Low _ Mid-Rise Residential _Mixed Use.pdf5.DP22-0054 - Attachment D - Applicant Rationale and Renderings.pdf6.DP22-0054 - Schedules A_B and C (reduced).pdf7.DP22-0054 DVP22-0056 - 630 Boynton Place - STAFF_Council Presentation.pdf8.REVISED - 630 Boynton - DVP22-0054-DVP22-0056 - Meridian Development - APPLICANT.pdfTo issue a Development Permit and Development Variance Permit for the form and character of a residential development with variances to maximum building frontage and retaining wall height.4.4START TIME 7:00 PM - Eldorado Rd 442 - BL12303 (Z21-0084) - Paul Neufeld, Meghan Neufeld and Pillar West Developments Inc., Inc.No. BC1066488 1.BL12303 Z21-0084 Eldorado Rd 442.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 12303 in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU2 - Medium Lot Housing zone. 4.5START TIME 7:00 PM - Eldorado Rd 442 - DVP21-0202 - Paul and Meghan Neufeld and Pillar West Developments Inc., Inc.No. BC1066488 1.Eldorado Rd 442 - DVP21-0202 - Paul and Meghan Neufeld and Pillar West Developments Inc., Inc.No. BC1066488.pdf2.EldoradoRd442_DVP21-0202_Attachments.pdf3.EldoradoRd442_DVP21-0202_Presentation - STAFF.pdfTo issue a Development Variance Permit to vary the required lot width from 15.0m required to 14.56m proposed to facilitate a two-lot subdivision.4.6START TIME 7:00 PM - Springfield Rd 2241 - BL12333 (Z21-0099) - Ironclad Developments Mission Heights Holdings Inc., Inc.No. A0119488 1.BL12333 Z21-0099 Springfield Rd 2241.pdfTo adopt Bylaw No. 12333 in order to rezone the subject property from the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone to the C4r - Urban Centre Commercial (Residential Rental Tenure Only) zone. 4.7START TIME 7:00 PM - Springfield Rd 2241 - DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - Ironclad Developments Mission Heights Holdings Inc., Inc.No. A0119488 1.Springfield Rd 2241 - DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - Ironclad Developments Mission Heights Holdings Inc., Inc.No. A0119488.pdf2.Springfield Rd 2241, DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - Attachments.pdf3.Springfield Rd 2241, DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - STAFF.pdf4.APPLICANT - 2241 Springfield Rd - DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - Ironclad Developments Inc.pdfTo issue a Development Permit for the form and character of a mixed-use development and a Development Variance Permit for the amount of functional commercial space for the Springfield Rd frontage.5.Reminders 6.Termination No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Eldorado Rd 442 - DVP21-0202 - Paul and Meghan Neufeld and Pillar West Developments Inc., Inc.No. BC1066488.pdf2.EldoradoRd442_DVP21-0202_Attachments.pdf3.EldoradoRd442_DVP21-0202_Presentation - STAFF.pdf1.Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850 - DP20-0122 DVP20-0123 - 1291224 BC Ltd., Inc.No. BC1291224.pdf2.Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850, DP20-0122 DVP20-0123 - Attachments.pdf3.Belaire Ave 1365 and Chandler St 1840-1850, DP20-0122 DVP20-0123 - STAFF.pdf1.Springfield Rd 2241 - DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - Ironclad Developments Mission Heights Holdings Inc., Inc.No. A0119488.pdf2.Springfield Rd 2241, DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - Attachments.pdf3.Springfield Rd 2241, DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - STAFF.pdf4.APPLICANT - 2241 Springfield Rd - DP21-0231 DVP21-0232 - Ironclad Developments Inc.pdf1.Boynton Pl 630 - DP22-0054 DVP22-0056 - 1288666 BC Ltd., Inc.No. BC1288666.pdf2.DP22-0054_DVP22-0056 - Attachment A -Draft Development and Development Variance Permit.pdf3.DP22-0054 - Attachment B - Development Engineering Memo.pdf4.DP22-0054 - Attachment C - Guidelines Checklist - Chapter 4 Low _ Mid-Rise Residential _Mixed Use.pdf5.DP22-0054 - Attachment D - Applicant Rationale and Renderings.pdf6.DP22-0054 - Schedules A_B and C (reduced).pdf7.DP22-0054 DVP22-0056 - 630 Boynton Place - STAFF_Council Presentation.pdf8.REVISED - 630 Boynton - DVP22-0054-DVP22-0056 - Meridian Development - APPLICANT.pdf1.BL12127 Z20-0045 Chandler St 1840-1850 and Belaire Ave 1365.pdf1.BL12303 Z21-0084 Eldorado Rd 442.pdf1.BL12333 Z21-0099 Springfield Rd 2241.pdf1.Draft Minutes - August 9 2022 Reg.pdf