Agricultural Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Virtual Meeting - Teams
Members Present
  • Jeff Ricketts (Alternate)
  • John Janmaat
  • Yvonne Herbison
Members Absent
  • Domenic Rampone
  • Keith Duhaime
  • Kevin Daniels (Alternate)
  • Pete Spencer
Staff Present
  • Jill Worboys (Interior Health)
  • Legislative Coordinator (Confidential)
  • Avi Gill
  • Aura Rose

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read.


Moved by Aura/Seconded by Derek Approved

  • ​THAT the Minutes of the _________________ Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be adopted.

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from the Committee.

Confirmed that 18 workers are being requested to be housed on the subject property.

James Calissi, 3810 East Kelowna Road, Applicant Agent:

- Responded to questions from the Committee.

- Spoke to the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in the subject building.

- Staff responded to questions from the Committee.

The applicant confirmed that 14 workers at the site.

Staff confirmed 75 square feet is required per worker for residency in the Temporary Farm Workers program..

Moved By Yvonne/Seconded By Avi Gill


Opposed Derek and John

Anedotal Comments:

- Information on other properties being farmed as the application is based on those properties.

- to make sure the limited number of workers follows the TFW program

Second dwelling should be used for family or farm help.

- Farm worker housing is compliant with federal, provinicial and municipal fram worker requriements

- Highlights concerns with rental housing on agricultural land as income generating properties and in contravention with ALC and City  of Kelowna policies.

  • THAT The Committee recommends Council approve the application to 

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from the Committee.

Lakhwinder Brar, Applicant

- Spoke to the second driveway and access

- Responded to questions from the Committee

Moved by Aura Rose/Seconded By Derek Brown 

That Council support the application.


Anedotal Comments:

- Consistent with the regulations for TFW.

Staff displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the options to regulate second dwellings on properties within the ALR with regulations coming into effect December 31, 2021 and responded to questions from the Committee.

- Confirmed approximately 1000 properties could be eligible to build a second residence on the agriculturally zoned properties.

The Province has indicated any use will be acceptable for the second dwelling.

Anedotal Comments:

- Creates opportunities for conflict and adversely impacts land, increase property values and not be able to farm by farming it.

Goes against the objectives of the OCP of densifying and reducing urban sprawl.

-Reminder that not allowing secondary residences still allows the ability to suite the residence for rental income without increasing the footprint into arable land. There all options for rental income already and it is not a complete elimination.

-ALR doe not always necessarily work for farmers. This is not a solution. Ministry needs to reflect how best to help farmers and not just looking at land owners

- Recognize that bonafide farmers have challenges. 

  • Moved By Aura Rose/Seconded By Yvonne Herbsion

    THAT second residences not be supported on agriculturally zoned land.

Kelowna Christian School on Benvoulin. Approved by the ALC without any conditions.

No new business.

​The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for January 20, 2021.

The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 7:58 p.m.