City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

The Oath of Office will be read by Councillor Donn.​

To give Bylaw No. 11761 second and third reading and adopt in order to early terminate Land Use Contract LUC76-1080 and revert the subject properties identified in Schedule A to their appropriate underlying zones.

To give Bylaw No. 11775 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from C7 - Central Business Commercial zone to the C7rcs - Central Business Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11778 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the C3 - Community Commercial zone to the C3rcs - Community Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11779 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone to the C4rcs - Urban Centre Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11780 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone to the C4rcs - Urban Centre Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11782 second and third reading to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 8000 by correcting the wording on the C2 Neighbourhood Commercial subzones in Section 14.2, and creating a C10rls/rcs subzone combination in both Section 01 and Section 14.10.

To give Bylaw No. 11783 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the C2 - Neighbourhood Commercial zone to the C2rcs - Neighbourhood Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11787 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the RR3 – Rural Residential 3 zone to facilitate a future 2 lot subdivision.

Requires a majority of all members of Council (5).
To give Bylaw No. 11789 second and third reading in order to change the future land use designation of the subject property.

To give Bylaw No. 11791 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the P3LP – Parks and Open Space (Liquor Primary) zone to the RM3 – Low Density Multiple Housing zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11790 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the I3 – Heavy Industrial zone to the I2 – General Industrial zone to facilitate the construction of a new industrial building.

To give Bylaw No. 11792 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the C3 - Community Commercial zone to the C3rcs - Community Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

To give Bylaw No. 11793 second and third reading in order to rezone the subject property from the C4 - Urban Centre Commercial zone to the C4rcs - Urban Centre Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) zone.

The City Clerk will provide information as to how the following items on the Agenda were publicized.​

City Clerk to state for the record any correspondence received.  Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the liquor license application to come forward.​

To consider a change in hours to two areas of the special event area endorsement on an existing manufacturing licence for a winery to extend the hours events can be held, and to hold events on Sundays and some Mondays.

Requires a majority of Council (5).
To amend Bylaw No. 11595 at third reading and adopt in order to change the future land use designation of the subject property to facilitate the development of multiple dwelling housing.

To amend Bylaw No. 11596 at third reading and adopt in order to rezone the subject properties to facilitate the development of multiple dwelling housing.

City Clerk to state for the record any correspondence received.  Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward.

To consider the form and character of a proposed 4 ½ storey apartment building and to consider two variances for increases in site coverage, as well as a variance to increase the ratio of medium size parking stalls.

To amend Bylaw No. 11721 at third reading and adopt in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM5 – Medium Density Multiple Housing zone .

City Clerk to state for the record any correspondence received.  Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward.

To consider the form and character of a 19 unit four storey apartment building and to consider a setback variance for the parkade along the southern property line.

City Clerk to state for the record any correspondence received.  Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward.

To consider a Staff recommendation to NOT issue a Development Variance Permit to vary the fence height for an Industrial property from 2.4 m maximum to 3.66 m proposed and to allow razor wire for a facility not associated with penitentiaries, jails or places of incarceration.

City Clerk to state for the record any correspondence received.  Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward.

To vary the location of two required parking stalls to be located within 1.5m of the west side property line and within 1.5m of the rear property line and to vary the requirement to screen a parking stall parallel to and flanking a lane by a physical barrier.

City Clerk to state for the record any correspondence received.  Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward.

To vary the required minimum north side yard setback from 2.0m permitted to 1.53m proposed.