- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.
Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
Online Participants:
Patrick Nangle, CEO Moto Cooperative
-shared slides doing this business for 24 years. 700 vehicles in the fleet, a thousand business accounts.
- good colaboration with municipalities. access to parking ,home location at use of shared use for municipal business. have done 170 projects to date in buildings around BC. Metro Vancouver car share capital of north America. cars attract members, helps with environmental impact. entered Victoria market in 2015, showed slides of Victoria (couldn't see it really. showed a map of the difference of areas used for car sharing and how car sharing has grown. we are not in favour, we believe it will be harmful of benefits of car sharing in Kelowna. reviewing program makes sense, have been collaborated. there is no need to eliminate car sharing, changes to bylaw can be made, COVID caused a pause and it's over now and is not relevant now. no other municipalities is eliminating this and this is an amenity to the city. there will be a hole in 2024/25 that may be more impactful than we imagine, improvements can be made, don't accept a reduction, that was the issue on clement street, where there is more than one car share lets do a phase approach, demand grows into supply. should think of zero emissions.
Responded to questions from Council.
what were some of challenges in years past. We are there for the long term, economics is sound, we are people before profit, we did not lay anyone off during pandemic. some car share businesses just picked up and left but we are here for the long term.
Spoke to bylaw 8000, car share is an amenity for surrounding area not just the building.
Risk is losing momentum, things can be fixed but do not need to stop the program but can make amendments to bylaw. the halt will happen naturally if we do not see the demand.
Applicant - Communication just stopped and not sure why, we are transparent, template agreement, cost to build to 5 stalls, cost of shared car is small fraction of that. it is a community amenity not just a building amenity. COK will be vehicles close to city hall and works yard, there are use by those living in the residential buildings but biggest part of use is coming from those in the neighbourhood of the building.
Mayor if we keep program in place, don't want developer to use this just so they don't have to provide adequate parking.
There were no further comments.
- Responded to questions from Council.
Sieben - program could be amended, asking for staff comments, may take time for staff to get this back to council.
Staff- concerns we have is the 3rd party, development community, as we have written in the bylaw, they feel they are entitled to even at pre application stage, not always dealing with COK developers we deal with many developers, first time developers, making assumptions, and driving their development accordingly. Community amenity contribution using a variance to achieve it. lower level of parking, rather than community value in the area. implication to individual property. Developers asking for parking variances. No tension between city and MOto it is the developments and how they are playing out.
Mayor - applicant noted that without an incentive no application would come forward
Ryan - number of applications in line, we could do a pause and work on this to advance this faster. work on new zoning bylaw next year or late this year could have those provisions in them. could bring back memo thru CM in how to accomplish this more quickly.
Mayor - to paraphrase - follow thru with this and staff will come up with another plan to bring forward to Council.
Singh - are we going to be looking at a 2 year frame for review process? staff would find ways to advance that and make it sooner.