- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application.
- Responded to questions from the Committee.
Square footage of ATCO trailer uncertain but not too large and will be used for the office..
Domenic - Will Scale be installed
Will it be returned to a crop area once bin storage is over. Non farm uses has no timeframe. runs in perpetuity so no time limit on it.
- Can a covenant be placed on the land, Staff noted that it is possible for covenant with link to ownership, has to be restored, better if ALC put in those restrictions. Could put covenant on title so that it has to be restored.
- Is there a plan for the topsoil, asked applicant to get an egrologist report stated 616 cubic meters, 30 to 40 truck loads. we know the size and scale and do not know where it's coming from. does topsoil stay or leave the property, city has no requirement of where it goes.
Theressa Ross, McCulloch ARoadApplicant
- 1942 proeprty in family. we are third generaton on the property
- would like to work an agreement with consolidated fruit packers to receive fruit from other farmers to get to osoyoos.
- Responded to qustions form committtte
Confirmed that No scale is required.
staging area for bins and once not full of fruit will be stored.
Committee - too bad Farm land is being used for this. farm trucks will not be 100% efficient. can see a benefit but its a shame that farmland being taken out of production without some sort of criteria of moving it some place in the future.
in order have a b train loaded with frit behoin the property, its heavy, if topsoild there is will be heavy and make big ruts and make a mess of the soild, move soil aside and put crush down to sustain the weight of equipmen on site. Yes, entire site, fruite washed and stored there and easier to keep cantominents out of the bins. when bins get shipped to osoyoos they are emptied and washed and hauled back.
confirmed the bin storage is on the small piece of property.
what is being farmed on 3/4 of an acre. - it was red delicious apples. Husband is a logger and not here often and we have to utilize skills when we can.
- Responded to questions from Committee.
- not anticipating any congestion or road is a permitted use in the ALR could put larger facilities out there and doesn't trigger transportation studies or assessments.
MOVED -Ddomenic
Anecdotal Comments
- Committee recommends to Council that see a coventant on title that it goes back to farmland if that particular operation no longer exists. (suggest that) if they sold the property if it would be a rquirment to mismantle this before new ownership. do not want housing to be put on there. concered if this operations ceases that it goes back to agriculture production.
the committ has concerns about future use of porety and would like some kind of safegurads put on this file in situation no longer doing the bin storage and receiving of fuit it would go back into production and no housing permitted. attach to property and not ownership in the future.
if large packing house can be built to Pooley Road and Rose road - massive building and shouldn't be here/