Agricultural Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Absent
  • Domenic Rampone
  • Jeff Ricketts (Alternate)
  • John Janmaat
  • Keith Duhaime
  • Kevin Daniels (Alternate)
  • Pete Spencer
  • Yvonne Herbison

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Derek/Dom/Yvonne/Aura

Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read.


  • Dom/Derek

    ​THAT the Minutes of the July 14, 2022 Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be adopted.


Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the application

Responded to questions from the Committee.

Confirmed the application is for 24 workers.


-Available for questions.

-Responded to questions fro mthe Committee.

Responded to questions from the Committee.

Commented on the enforcement process for decommisoning existing dwellings

Anedotal Comments

Moved By Domenic to support the application seconded by Aura Carrried

-encourage acknowledge that there is now hosjing that is available for rent and it is understoood that it is being used for other workers versus being rented out as rental properties

-Confirm that there are 24 workers being applied for.

-Staff confirmed the resolution to COuncil will reflect 24.

Frost Road - Cherry receiving area

Staff see notes

Agrcultural tour 

minimal cost to get local tour together

Opportunity to bring jurisdictions together.

Previous tours had some BC Ag fund

bring to light the vast array of farming activiities in the valley.

local lunch

​The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for September 8, 2022.

The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 6>44 Derk Aura carried
