- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application and responded to questions from Council.
Geoff MacKay, 1327 St Paul Street and Andrew Ambrozy, Manhatten Drive Applicant,
-.application before council has been a year in the making, pandemic was an issue.
- Positive with working with Planning staff.
- package before Council speaks for itself. Argus operations, will own and operate this building. Extension of th Mall that we own and operate. want to do the right thing. Have extensive residential portfolio. it is a great site, busy urban centre on a transit corridor. Live work and play. area. Densification is in line with the OCP.
height variance, asked for mainly to reduce footprint and parking. gave us the density we required to get the height, 40 surplus stalls, did not need to do underground. as property redevelops over the need sees the need for underground parking important. still have 40 surplus stalls. Long term goal is to create affordable rental housing in the Rutland area. Would like to get into construction this summer.
- Responded to questions from Council.
- over 60% is micro suites. will need place to recreate as units are so small.
amenity space is made up of private balconies with rood top amenity and ground amenity. the goal to create an affordable rental and reduced the amenity space for affordability. Will target what market rents are.
Council - small balconies with small micro suites. what lead you to that blend? May find challenge with turnover due to lack of space. 50/50 mix of bigger and smaller balconies. challenges in the seasonal and hospitality market.
Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.
Online Participants:
Wesley Shennan, 401 200 Hollywood Road
- in general support of this application.
- Compared it to another devleopment less than a block away which is quite deficient.
- Accedssto this proposal is very good from Hollywood Road and Hwy 33.
- Good access for emergency vehicles.
- Good characteristics.
- Shade and noise created by this property is not an issue.
- In support of the application.
There were no further comments.