Agricultural Advisory CommitteeMinutesMeeting #:Date:Thursday, November 18, 2021Time: 6:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Location:Virtual Meeting - TeamsMembers PresentDomenic RamponeJeff Ricketts (Alternate)John JanmaatKeith DuhaimeKevin Daniels (Alternate)Pete SpencerYvonne HerbisonStaff PresentJill Worboys (Interior Health)Legislative Coordinator (Confidential)Avi GillAura Rose1.Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read. 2.Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Agricultural Advisory Committee_Oct14_2021 - English.pdfTHAT the Minutes of the October 14, 2021 Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be adopted.3.Applications for Consideration 3.13850 Swamp Rd, A21-0008 - Christine and Kevin Schmidt 1.Swamp Rd 3850 - A21-0008 - Kevin Schmidt.pdf2.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - State of Title.pdf3.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - Agrology Reports.pdf4.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - Environmental Report.pdf5.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - Presentation.pdfStaff displayed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the application and responded to questions from the Committee. Applicant: -Provided4.ALC Decisions - Update Staff provided an update5.New Business There was no new business.6.Next Meeting The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for December 16, 2021.7.Termination of Meeting The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 8:30p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Swamp Rd 3850 - A21-0008 - Kevin Schmidt.pdf2.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - State of Title.pdf3.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - Agrology Reports.pdf4.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - Environmental Report.pdf5.A21-0008 3850 Swamp Rd - Presentation.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Agricultural Advisory Committee_Oct14_2021 - English.pdf