Heritage Advisory Committee

Knox Mountain Meeting Room (#4A)
City Hall, 1435 Water Street



(a)    The purpose of this Meeting is to consider certain Development Applications as noted on this meeting Agenda.

(b)    The Reports to Committee concerning the subject development applications are available on the City's website at www.kelowna.ca.

(c)     All representations to the Heritage Advisory Committee form part of the public record.

(d)     As an Advisory Committee of Council, the Heritage Advisory Comittee will make a recommendation of support or non-support for each application as part of the public process.  City Council will consider the application at a future date and, depending on the nature of the file, will make a decision.
(e)  In accordance with the Order of the Provincial Health Officer on Gatherings and Events, the City is required to collect the first and last name and telephone number or email address of everyone attending a Council meeting, public hearing, or Council Committee meeting. this information will be kept by the City for 30 days in case there is a need for contact tracing on the part of the medical health officer. If the information is not required for that purpose it will be destroyed after 30 days.
We appreciate your cooperation in meeting this requirement.

​Approve Minutes of the Meeting of October 15, 2020. 

​December 17, 2020