Heritage Advisory Committee AGENDAMeeting #:Date:Thursday, October 18, 2018Time: 12:00 P.m. - 2:00 P.m.Location:Knox Mountain Meeting Room (#4A)City Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to Order THE CHAIR WILL CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER:(a) The purpose of this Meeting is to consider certain Development Applications as noted on this meeting Agenda.(b) The Reports to Committee concerning the subject development applications are available on the City's website at www.kelowna.ca.(c) All representations to the Heritage Advisory Committee form part of the public record.(d) As an Advisory Committee of Council, the Heritage Advisory Comittee will make a recommendation of support or non-support for each application as part of the public process. City Council will consider the application at a future date and, depending on the nature of the file, will make a decision.2.Applications for Consideration2.1Cadder Avenue 418-422, HAP18-0012 - Geoffrey/Michelle Couper & Evelyn/Friedrich Wille1.Cadder Ave 418-422, Z18-0083 HAP18-0012 - Geoffrey and Michelle Couper.pdf2.Cadder Ave 418-422 Attachments.pdfTo consider the form and character of a proposed addition on the subject property within the Abbott Street Heritage Conservation Area.3.Minutes1.Draft Minutes - Heritage Advisory Committee_Sep20_2018 - English.pdfApprove Minutes of the Meeting of September 20, 2018.4.Update - Council Decisions5.Termination of MeetingNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Draft Minutes - Heritage Advisory Committee_Sep20_2018 - English.pdf1.Cadder Ave 418-422, Z18-0083 HAP18-0012 - Geoffrey and Michelle Couper.pdf2.Cadder Ave 418-422 Attachments.pdf