City of KelownaRegular Council MeetingAGENDATuesday, May 11, 2021 7:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to Order 2.Reaffirmation of Oath of Office The Oath of Office will be read by Councillor Sieben.3.Confirmation of Minutes 1.Draft Minutes - Public Hearing April 20, 2021.pdf2.DRAFT Minutes, Tues Reg April 20, 2021.pdfPublic Hearing - April 20, 2021Regular Meeting - April 20, 20214.Development Permit and Development Variance Permit Reports Mayor to invite anyone in the public gallery who deems themselves affected by the required variance(s) to come forward for each item.4.1START TIME 7:00 PM - Highway 33 W 590 - DP20-0055 DVP20-0056 - 0838239 B.C. Ltd., Inc.No BC0838239 1.Highway 33 W 590 - DP20-0055 DVP20-0056 - 0838239 B.C. Ltd., Inc.No BC0838239.pdf2.590 Hwy 33 W - DP20-0055 - DVP20-0056 - 0838239 B.C. Ltd - Council Attachments.pdf3.Highway 33 W 590 - DP20-0055 - DVP20-0056 - STAFF.pdfTo consider the form and character of mixed-use residential / commercial development with a variance to maximum building height.5.Reminders 6.Termination No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Highway 33 W 590 - DP20-0055 DVP20-0056 - 0838239 B.C. Ltd., Inc.No BC0838239.pdf2.590 Hwy 33 W - DP20-0055 - DVP20-0056 - 0838239 B.C. Ltd - Council Attachments.pdf3.Highway 33 W 590 - DP20-0055 - DVP20-0056 - STAFF.pdf1.Draft Minutes - Public Hearing April 20, 2021.pdf2.DRAFT Minutes, Tues Reg April 20, 2021.pdf