Agricultural Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Absent
  • Domenic Rampone
  • Ed Schiller
  • Jeff Ricketts (Alternate)
  • John Janmaat
  • Keith Duhaime
  • Kevin Daniels (Alternate)
  • Pete Spencer
  • Tarsem Goraya
  • Yvonne Herbison


(Staff) called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.

Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read.


John Janmaat




Moved by Yvonne Herbison seconded by Jeff Rickets



Reminded Committee of the terms they are to decide applications by.

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application before the committee.

Staff responded to questions from committee:

Property owners already exceeding the number of workers allowed. No matter the number of workers being applied for it would be required.

AAC/Staff Discussion:

Prab Sander, Son of the Applicant:

- A lot of trees are still growing and coming into production over next 3 years requiring more workers.

 This property is central to all of our properties - allowing workers to get to all of our sites.

- Accommodate workers to ensure they have a nice facility.

- Responded to questions from the committee.

- Confirmed over 30 properties owned in the Kelowna area.

Suki Sander, :

- confirmed 450 seasonal workers required. Require most of the workers in the Kelowna area and the packing plant is close to the subject property.

 Staff responded to questions from committee:

- Confirmed there has not been discussions about other alternative properties in other City sectors.

- Reviewed the 10 City sectors with the committee highlighting the Rutland City sector.

- There is a min. lot size for temp farm worker housing 3.8 hectares in the context of the farm unit. Can be put on a smaller property as long as they have 3.8 hectares or more in total.

Chair: Inconsistent with current regulation, some justification to support

Moved Keith/ Seconded by Yvonne:

Opposed to the motion Carried


The Agricultural Advisory Committee supports the application subject to

- Council direct staff work with applicants to work with all housing option s on parcels they own or manage and that other sectors be explored on all properties owned by the applicant and across all City sectors including exzisting dwelling

- Clear that we need exceptional causes to make decisions that are not consistent with City policy. We do not see clear justification for this application at this time.

- Applicant should be expected to do their due diligence to rationalize the need.


  • Keith/Yvonne

    THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommends that Council support Agricultural Land Reserve Application No. A19-0006 for the property located at 830 Hartman Road to allow a non-adhering residential use permit application for Temporary Farm Worker Housing to accommodate up to 60 workers on the property

Committee member Aura Rose returned to the meeting at 6:39 p.m.

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application before the committee.

AAC/Staff Discussion:

Staff confirmed how much of the property is being used for the landscaping business.

Ryan Anderson, OTG Developments, Applicant's consultant:

Landscaping business is helping make the farm viable. Other farm applications in other jurisdictions for non-farm use have been successful.

Corporation of Delta - Horse bedding recycling facility. ALC approved the temporary

City of Chilliwack - soil mixing, bark mulch landscaping materials, temporary use permit.

have a history of successful applications that are supportive of the agriculture currently being conducted.

There is a plan to move the business off the site. We are asking for a transition period hopeful it can be in the 5 year timeframe.

Clarified that a minor amount of landscape materials being stored on the site

Building is being primarily used for the agricultural activities.

In the winter there is 6 pieces of equipment and 8 vehicles being stored.

Ryan Markewich, Land Owner:

Spoke to the history of the farming on the property and the complications of growing some of the crops.

The vegetable production is leased out.

Have also considered mushroom production and worm casting production.

Nine months of the year there are 4 pieces of equipment stored on the property.

Responded to questions from the Committee.


Responded to questions from Committee.

TUP permits can be issued up to 3 years. Confirmed applicant is asking for maximum 3 year term with ability to be eligible for renewal for another 2 years. After that the permit ends.

Staff confirmed motion is to support the non farm use permit.

Original motion Moved by Aura/Seconded by Jeff to support 


Moved by Yvonne/Seconded by Keith to recommend a 3 year Temporary Use Permit

Aura Keith Yvonne in favour, Jeff Opposed

NON farm use permit application for a maximum of 3 years Aura, seconded Keith

Jeff Rikets - Opposed Carried


The Agricultural Advisory Committee believes the maximum time period for this transition should be within the 3 years.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.

Meeting reconvened at 8:00

  • THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommends that Council support Agricultural Land Reserve Application No. A19-0003 for the property located at 3019 Leader Road for a Non-Farm Use Permit to allow a commercial landscaping business to operate on the subject property for up to a maximum of three (3) years. 

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application before the committee.

AAC/Staff Discussion:

Staff confirmed they have visited the site and reviewed the existing buildings. Only three dwellings on the property that staff are aware of. There is a secondary suite in the house.

Staff do not have authority to change the designation from farm help and main residence based on discussions with City Bylaw Services and the ALC.

Confirmed there is no building permit on record for the cabin.

Marilys Wolfe, Applicant:

Confirmed uses in the non dwelling buildings on the site.

Confirmed the agricultural products being processed on site.

Confirmed size of cabin 12 feet by 30 feet.

Do not feel should be here on a non compliance. Done everything with compliance at the time 15 years ago.

Responded to questions from the Committee.

Confirmed BC Assessment lists all the dwellings and GEID assesses as well.

Applicant: resent having to apply for non-farm use- believe should be granfathered in.

Staff responded to questions from Committee:

Discussion ensued regarding how to review looking at grandfathering the use with the ALC.

Moved by Jeff Rickets to support seconded by Yvonne to support unanimous.


The Agricultural Advisory Committee supports the application and this application should have been evaluated as a grandfathered use as it is consistent with the ALC regulations regarding grandfathering.  

  • THAT the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommends that Council support Agricultural Land Reserve Application No. A18-0009 for the property located at 575-579 Rifle Road for a second existing dwelling to be used for a farm manager and a third existing dwelling to be used to house immediate family. 

There are no updates a thtis time

No new business a tthis time

The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for June 13, 2019.

The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 8:54.