City of Kelowna

Public Hearing and Associated Regular Meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Present
  • Mayor Colin Basran,
  • Councillor Maxine DeHart,
  • Councillor Ryan Donn,
  • Councillor Gail Given,
  • Councillor Charlie Hodge,
  • Councillor Brad Sieben,
  • Councillor Mohini Singh,
  • Councillor Luke Stack,
  • Councillor Loyal Wooldridge,
  • Council Recording Secretary, Arlene McClelland,
  • Doug Gilchrist,
  • and Laura Bentley

Mayor Basran called the Hearing to order at 6:04 p.m.

Mayor Basran advised that the purpose of the Hearing is to consider certain bylaws which, if adopted, will amend "Kelowna 2030 - Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 10500" and Zoning Bylaw No. 8000", and all submissions received, either in writing or verbally, will be taken into consideration when the proposed bylaws are presented for reading at the Regular Council Meeting which follows this Public Hearing.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application.


Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.


No one participating on line or in the gallery wished to speak.

There were no further comments.

The Hearing was declared terminated at 608 p.m.

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 608 p.m.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor DeHart

    THAT Bylaw No. 12287 be read a second and third time and be adopted.


The meeting was declared terminated at 609@ p.m.

Mayor Basran called the Hearing to order at 609 p.m.

Mayor Basran advised that the purpose of the Hearing is to consider certain bylaws which, if adopted, will amend "Kelowna 2030 - Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 10500" and Zoning Bylaw No. 8000", and all submissions received, either in writing or verbally, will be taken into consideration when the proposed bylaws are presented for reading at the Regular Council Meeting which follows this Public Hearing.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation summarizing the application.

Birte Decloux ,Urban Options Planning, Applicant Remotely

- Shared a PowerPoint Presentation.

- recenetly subdivied exisitng home was upgraded and newly created lot was sold to client

- lot size is large, severla comments from the publci concersn around ocp changed RU6 ciriteria and parking are issues.

- The OCP changes to future land use designation, in last ocp this was not the case, 2040 ocp reviewed this neighoburhed and brought thenm int oe the permanetn growth boundary.  same development opportniies to those in neigh

meets requjire of ru6 zones. shy of 800 square meters, site plan shows potential layout with 13 m in rear yard nad 6 m closest to thegarage.  visitorrs can be accomoatedated on 6 m dirveway, 6 meters away from the road.  

details that were brought up by neighbours, is RU6 zone appropariate for this site, policy perspective future now it is suburban neighbourhood in new OCP.RU6 requjries 350 sq meters fordwelling unit, because of old permanent growth bounrdary line, with change in opc this are can now be reqzoned,  eary accessed amenities in the area within walking distance, several schools, in 2 Kilomoeter radius.  other concern, was on the built form, important to neighbourhood, will remove rooftop deck feature due to concerns.  do not like modern design and looking at more traditional designs.

meets city policy and will committt to redesign to be senstive infill in this area.


Mayor Basran invited anyone participating online or in the gallery who deemed themselves affected to indicate they wish to speak followed by comments from Council.

No one participating online wished to speak.


Sally Risk , fisher 20-31 road represents the neighbours

- previously submitted a petition as most could not attend meeting.

- main concern is ru6 zoning, very narrow lot, opposed to what has been put down in diminesions

- putting a duplex on narrow lot is a concerm opens up for multiple family dwellings.  

- issue with parking, have traffic calming measures on this streeet currently, rush onto fisher road from Benvoulin.

- if parking inadaqauate, and parking were to be on street it would further be a concern.

- calming measures helped but if parking was allowed on street would be 

not opposed to development on this lot, 

modernization on property looks too boxy, neighbour would like better architectural desing, 2 story development would impede neigbhours view next to it.

- Opposed to RU6 zoning.


There were no further comments.

Applicant to concerns raised.

- with concerns with 2 storey building next to neighours, various homes in the neighbourhood, with committment to change the design to more conventional duplex design we could meet what the neighbourhood would like.


- Responded to questions from Council. (Confirmed for 2 units not 4 units) and ehight would be the same.


The Hearing was declared terminated at 623 p.m.

Mayor Basran called the meeting to order at 623 p.m.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor DeHart

    THAT Bylaw No. 12304 be read a second and third time and be adopted.


The Hearing was declared terminated at 6:26 p.m.