Struggled to get nominations. The opportunity to establish nomination committees for each category was discussed to improve the volume nd quality of nominations.
Discussion ensued as to the reasons why nominations have become increasingly difficult and areas that could be changed.
Chamber Top 40 program with Kelowna Chamber was identified and ability to push the message out thorough channels such as past nominees and those who have won before as well as considerable door knocking and beating the bushes. "pounding the pavement"
Ways to further communicate with the school district were reviewed.
Champion of the environment City staff could be approached for more ideas on potential nominees.
Discussion ensued regarding the need for an active nomination sub committee versus the Committee as a whole assisting wherever possible with nominations
A network of people to reach out to versus a nomination committee per se. along with a brainstorming session by the Committee to develop a list to reach out to at the start of the year to rely upon.