Agricultural Advisory CommitteeMinutesMeeting #:Date:Thursday, March 21, 2024Time: 4:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.Location:Meeting Room 5 (Ground Floor)1435 Water StreetMembers AbsentDomenic RamponeJeff Ricketts (Alternate)John JanmaatKeith DuhaimeKevin Daniels (Alternate)Pete SpencerYvonne Herbison1.Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at ______ p.m. Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read. 2.Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair 3.Agricultural Plan Progress Report 1.Agricultural Plan Progress Report.pdf2.Attachment B Agriculture Plan Performance Indicators.pdf3.Attachment A Agriculture Plan Implementation Progress.pdf4.Agricultural Plan Progress Report Presentation .pdf4.ALC/ALR Overview 5.ALC Decisions - Update 6.New Business 7.Next Meeting The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for __________________, 2015.8.Termination of Meeting The Chair declared the meeting terminated at ____________.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Agricultural Plan Progress Report.pdf2.Attachment B Agriculture Plan Performance Indicators.pdf3.Attachment A Agriculture Plan Implementation Progress.pdf4.Agricultural Plan Progress Report Presentation .pdf