Civic & Community Awards Steering Committee


Meeting #:
Parkinson Recreation Centre
Gala Boardroom
1800 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC
Members Present
  • Wayne Moore
  • Ellen Boelcke
Members Absent
  • Councillor, Maxine DeHart
  • Cheryl Miller
  • Dawn Wilkinson
  • Recreation Technician, Amber Gilbert
Staff Present
  • Legislative Coordinator (Confidential)

Staff called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m.

Roundtable introductions were made


Discussion ensued regarding ways to improve the intake of nominations.

Completion of forms was reviewed

Other areas from previous year reviewed included: list of categories.

Staff will circulate the link to the categories from the City website.

Presentations were reviewed

Names of categories was discussed.

Moved BY Wayne/Seconded BY 

Ellen and Wayne seconded Dan Rogers


Nominations/Selection -  to help with the Nominations Indi liason, start with one Noreen seconded . Dan to be added to the nominations committee as well.

Sports - Wayne Move Ellen/ Irene school teacher - Carried

Civic Selection Committee to be closer to the date.

Environment Committee to be closer to the date. 

Nomination period opened.

Closes February 9th

Ceremony April 24 at Laurel Packinghouse

Mayor's reception is not being held separately from the awards ceremony

Releases that committee members can add to their newsletters.

Discussed the press release reminder that there is one month to get nominations in. Staff is working with Communications to make it happen.

Photos from last year for use in promotions this year were discussed. Pictures of previous year's winner in the nominaton categories would be beneficial.

Videos released weekly last year to help promote the nominations. Should be done again this year.

Timing for next meeting date was discussed.

Dates for press releases were discussed.

Nominations close on the 9th

Meeting date to be on Friday, February 9th.

Outrach to community was discussed including the school district for athele of the year.

The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 12:52 p.m.

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