Agricultural Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Present
  • Domenic Rampone
  • Jeff Ricketts (Alternate)
  • John Janmaat
  • Yvonne Herbison
Members Absent
  • Keith Duhaime
  • Kevin Daniels (Alternate)
  • Pete Spencer

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read.


Moved by Domenic seconded by Yvonne Herbison seconded 


  • ​THAT the Minutes of the August 13, 2020 Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be adopted.


  • Displayed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the application.
  • Responded to questions from the Committee.
    • Reviewed enforcement of a Temporary Use Permit

Manraf Kondola, Old Vernon Road Applicant

Bought in 2005

100 acres of different farmland 

Russo Sawmill went into receivership.

Provided an overview of the history of the site.

TNT and A-1 Tree Service are partners - showing progress and being diligent on reclaiming the land back to farmland.

Responded to questions from the Committee.

Provided an overview of previous ALC applications.

 Ryan Nixon, TNT Services

Reviewed materials being removed from the site.

Crusher, grinder, shredder is being used.

Reviewed the 3-6 year plan to remove soil.

Reviewed drainage onsite.

Reviewed the grindings being used from A-1 Tree Services.

Staff responded to questions from the Committee.

Confirmed annual reports subnmitted by the applicant over the three years of the TUP

Moved by Yvonne/Seconded By Domenic non farm use TUP 



Anedotal Comments

Consultation with MOE priorthat any issue needing to be identified for this site.

Continual slow progress and optimistic it will continue and reasonable alternative for a very complicated situation/property.

  • THAT the AAC recommend to Council that the application be approved.

Staff provided an overview of recent decisions in the last few months.

get slide from Alex

Rose Road

East Kelowna Road

Cornish Rd

June Springs Road - subdivision - 2 lots, nonsupport - was not forwarded to ALC.

Staff provided information on new staff liaison. Wes Snipes

Committee requested information on gas station nonsupport

​The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for December 10, 2020.

The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 7:10 p.m.