Senior Airport Development Manager:
-Displayed a PowerPoint presentation providing an update on project developments.
-Reviewed the expansion of ATB
-Played a virtual tour of the expansion of the air terminal building.
-Reviewed airport biosecurity infrastructure and how the flow of baggage intake changes.
-Reviewed the enabling works for the ATB expansion including the Fortis electrical feed, grease interceptor for food services, valet booth/parking, taxis/bus holding area, car rentals and garbage enclosures.
-Provided an update on greenhouse gas emissions infrastructure including roof top units, boilers and hot water tanks.
-Reviewed runway end safety area as new federal regulations require the provision of a safety area at each end of the runway.
-Reviewed Ops Stand 5 concrete panel installation.
-Reviewed airfield lighting and the costing exercise taking place to determine what it will take to get to the next higher level.
-Apron 3 design due to asphalt deterioration was reviewed.
-Referenced the master Commercial Development plan and how every piece is interconnected.
-Reviewed the YLW Child Care facility campus wide at YLW receiving a $33 million dollar provincial grant that will provide 86 spaces.
-Hotel and parkade - a proponent has been decided with a 90 day due diligence period in progress.
- Reviewed commercial air investments including commercial space with CD12 zoning.
- Spoke to the commercial interest in East land developments and the push to be permit ready.
Responded to questions from the Committee.
City Manager:
-Spoke to the transportation network and the finalizing of the Gateway Study and recent meetings with the Ministry on approving the road network in the airport area.
-Spoke to the east side lands not currently being serviced and the opportunity for a partnership to achieve servicing.
Spoke to renewable natural gas being explored.
Spoke to the private public partnership for the hotel which will let the market suggest the direction we are going.
-Provided and update on Air Service Development.
-Reviewed Covid passenger recovery scenarios.
-Reviewed seat capacity comparisons with other airports.
-Spoke to LynxAir operations starting on April 15th.
-Spoke to Swoop coming back into the market.
-Reviewed government grant funding including the Airport Relief FUnd of $3.1 million
Responded to questions from the Committee.
-The meeting adjourned at 2:56 p.m.
-The meeting reconvened at 3:09 p.m. p.m.