Agricultural Advisory CommitteeMinutesMeeting #:Date:Thursday, September 09, 2021Time: 6:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Location:Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water StreetMembers PresentDomenic RamponeJeff Ricketts (Alternate)John JanmaatYvonne HerbisonMembers AbsentKeith DuhaimeKevin Daniels (Alternate)Pete SpencerStaff PresentJill Worboys (Interior Health)Legislative Coordinator (Confidential)Aura Rose1.Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read. 2.Minutes 1.Draft AAC Minutes - Aug 12 2021.pdfTHAT the Minutes of the August 12, 2021 Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be adopted.3.Applications for Consideration 3.1Valley Rd 355-357, A21-0004, Dilbag Singh Brar & Sarabjeet Kaur Brar 1.Valley Rd 355-357 - A21-0004 - Dilbag Singh Brar and Sarabjeet Kaur Brar.pdf2.ValleyRd355_A21-0004_Attachments_Stamped.pdfDomenic/YvonneMove By Domenic Rampone/Seconded By Yvonne Herbison THAT Council approve a non-adhering residential use permit for the conversion of an existing accessory building into a living space for the owners, farm manager and temporary farm workers.4.ALC Decisions - Update 5.New Business 6.Next Meeting The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for __________________, 2015.7.Termination of Meeting The Chair declared the meeting terminated at ____________.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Draft AAC Minutes - Aug 12 2021.pdf1.Valley Rd 355-357 - A21-0004 - Dilbag Singh Brar and Sarabjeet Kaur Brar.pdf2.ValleyRd355_A21-0004_Attachments_Stamped.pdf