City of Kelowna

Regular Council Meeting


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Present
  • Mayor Tom Dyas, 
  • Councillor Ron Cannan, 
  • Councillor Maxine DeHart, 
  • Councillor Charlie Hodge, 
  • Councillor Gord Lovegrove, 
  • Councillor Mohini Singh, 
  • Councillor Luke Stack, 
  • Councillor Rick Webber, 
  • Councillor Loyal Wooldridge, 
  • Doug Gilchrist, 
  • Laura Bentley, 
  • and Council Recording Secretary, Arlene McClelland 

Mayor Dyas called the meeting to order at 9:00

  • Moved ByCouncillor Hodge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lovegrove

    THAT the Minutes of the Regular AM Meeting of June 24, 2024 be confirmed as circulated. 



- Provided opening remarks and introduced Consultant, Brian Johnson RC Strategies

- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation.

- Provided background to Fees and Charges Council Policy 2022

- Spoke to Council Policy #222 and ALC Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 9609 

- Fee structure should be within fare market value and support operating costs.

- changes to the fees must be approved by Council.

- Spoke to current approach to setting fees. (increase annually by 2%) rate comparison with other facilities may not b like to like)

- Benefits based approach best approach to determine user fees.


- Continued displaying the PowerPoint Presentation.

- Spoke to Benefits-Based Approach.

_Benefits based approach is transparent and easy to explain and is accountable and consistent.

- Spoke to understanding of public good, indirect benefit to all that which you cannot escape - tie the fee to the degree of public good.

- Spoke to benefits continuum - who benefits and who pays.  

- Currently we are at the end of step 3 of 7 steps once we finish step 3 we move onto other steps that are largely mechanical

- Spoke to categories of users and uses - Individual Users, Groups of Users and Categories of Uses.

- Spoke to City Investment - where public investments should be. preschools should have highest level of investment with the lowest of fees Fees higher for Adults and Adult Not for Profit

Spoke to Investment Framework

- Identified Facility Rental Investment Groups.

- will make adjustments if council not comfortable and will come back to present.  will come back with a more complete process. 

- Step 7 - if core services that all citizens can have access to these public services. 


- Spoke to the benefits and challenges to Non-Resident Fees.


 - revenue generation - decrease to crowding - increase in resident cost satisfaction


- Operational challenges with collection - lack of consistency with city facilities - vacant space - reputation and relationships.

- consideration of non resident fees - to account for usage that is not tax based.  

- Spoke to key dates - draft fees and charges Policy will be brought forward to Council in the 4th quarter.

- Responded to questions from Council.

Second recommendation - Get from Doug




  • Moved ByCouncillor Wooldridge
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lovegrove

    THAT Council receives, for information, the report from the Active Living and Culture division dated July 8, 2024, with respect to the Benefits Based Approach to the Fees and Charges for services provided by the Active Living & Culture division;

    AND THAT Council approves in principle the City’s Investment Framework as the basis for continued development of the fees and charges program as noted in Appendix I of the report;

    AND THAT staff report back to Council with an update as the Investment Framework is applied to the fee schedule prior to finalizing the program and implementation plan.


The meeting recessed at 9:58 a.m.

The meeting reconvened at 10:06 a.m.


- Displayed a PowerPoint Presentation.

- made way into recent OCP and was meant as a land use enhancement tool

City Clerk

- Provided a legislative overview with different considerations - displayed a table considerations for each type of application. 

Application types - OCP, Rezoning, Development Permits and ALC. 

- Spoke to consideration of application on a Monday afternoon - council can defer, defeat or approve an application.

- Provided a more detail look for a rezoning application with no Public Hearing. 

Staff: - Ryan

- will show how an application relates to type of housing supply we need in the community.

- Transit works best when it connects lots of people to work, school and

- Provide more housing options steps away from best transit service and increase transit ridership to improve our transit system and focus higher density growth in areas that support a variety of non-car options.

- Spoke to how Transit Support Corridors are implemented..  

- displayed a map of Kelowna with transit supportive corridors.

- Spoke to developer process of acquisition of land around these areas.tsc's

- Displayed a context map along the Glenmore corridor.

- Spoke to OCP and displayed a context map of tsc's land assemblies are coming together 

- seeing a policy that is working with some push back in communities being near TSC's.

- MF3 zone is the appropriate zone that is used along TSC's.

Spoke to OCP objectives and Policies:

- Provided a summary are key component of the city's 2040 OCP and TMP

- many future benefits to directing medium density growth along transit

- developers report they are unclear about whether other planned projects should proceed along transit corridors (project delays) due to approval risk.

- Responded to questions from Council.


M - lovegrove

S - wooldridge

Original Motion

THAT Council receives, for information, the report from the Divisional Director of Planning, Climate 
Sustainability and Development Services dated July 8, 2024 related to Transit Supportive Corridors and 
the development application process.



  • THAT this meeting be closed to the public pursuant to Section 90(1) (a) and Section 90(2) (b) of the Community Charter for Council to deal with matters relating to the following:
    • Personal Information regarding Officer Appointment
    • Confidential Information from the Province

The meeting adjourned to a closed session at 

​The meeting reconvened to an open session at 

​​The meeting was declared terminated at