Agricultural Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street
Members Present
  • Domenic Rampone
  • Jeff Ricketts (Alternate)
  • John Janmaat
  • Keith Duhaime
  • Yvonne Herbison
Members Absent
  • Kevin Daniels (Alternate)
  • Pete Spencer
Staff Present
  • Jill Worboys (Interior Health)
  • Legislative Coordinator (Confidential)
  • Avi Gill
  • Aura Rose

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Opening remarks by the Chair regarding conduct of the meeting were read.


Moved by Dom seconded by Yvonne Carried

  • ​THAT the Minutes of the _________________ Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be adopted.

Staff displayed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the application. CARRIED

Responded to questions from the Committee.

Staff confirmed that the accommodations have been previously occupied.

Staff spoke to the improvements onsite.

Suni, Rose Road ,Applicant's Son:

Was present and available to answer questions from the Committee.

- Confirmed that family is living in the house.

Moved by Dom seconded by Yvonne to support application.

Anedotal Comments

outstanding issues

- no proof of water connection or septic tank

- buffer being implemented.

- structure is up it is very important for applicant to follow through with all the pending requirements (septic, electrical , building inspection)or occupancy be restricted

- emphasize the procedural issue in permitting. How can sewer and water be hooked up without the proper procedure. This is not the first file we have seen like this.Encourage that this file be used as an example to get procedure in place to prevent it from being able to happen again (hooking up electrical where it is not in compliance with City bylaws). better communication with IHA for example.

Staff presented a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the application.

Responded to questions from the Commitee.

Staff commented on the reciprocal access agreement for the driveway for both future lots.

Confirmed the septic field is entirely on the subject property.

Brad ??, Applicant:

Long a rich history with agriculture on the property. her husband has passed away and would like to stay in the home and have the farm separated.

Very confined homesite severance site.

Responded to questions from the Committee.

Confirmation of when the second home was built.

Moved by Avi/seconded by Dom to suppor tthe application CARRIED

Update on Council decisions as of late:

Morrison Road 1425 - 

Gallagher Road 2975 - considering text amendment not supported by staff.

East Kelowna Road 2830 - covenant area regarding a winery.

There was no new business.

​The next Committee meeting has been scheduled for __________________, 2015.

The Chair declared the meeting terminated at 6:41 p.m..