City of Kelowna

Public Hearing


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street


I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the syilx/Okanagan people.

This evening, Council will hold both a Public Hearing and a Regular Meeting.

The purpose of the Hearing is to hear from the public on matters contained in the various bylaws which, if adopted, will amend Kelowna 2030 - Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 10500 and Zoning Bylaw No. 8000.

After the close of the Public Hearing, Council will then debate and vote on the proposed bylaws at the Regular Meeting that follows.

Council has been provided with all information, correspondence, petitions or reports that have been received concerning the subject bylaws. This information is also available to the public online and on the table in the foyer of Council Chamber. 

For those in attendance this evening, or who have already submitted letters to Council, a reminder that this Hearing is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record. A live audio feed may also be broadcast and recorded by Castanet.

Following the close of the Public Hearing, no further information from the applicant or members of the public will be accepted by Council.

The City Clerk will provide information as to how the Hearing was publicized.​

To consider a development application to rezone the split-zoned subject property from the I4 – Central Industrial zone and I2 – General Industrial zone to the I4 – Central Industrial zone and consider a Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment to allow for additional commercial uses on the subject property.

To consider a development application to rezone the subject property from I2 – General Industrial zone to the C7rcs – Central Business Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) to allow for a retail cannabis sales establishment.

To amend the Official Community Plan to change the future land use designation and to rezone the subject property to facilitate the development of townhouses and supportive housing.

To consider a Land Use Contract discharge and rezoning from the RM3 - Low Density Multiple Housing zone to the C4rcs – Urban Centre Commercial (Retail Cannabis Sales) to accommodate Retail Cannabis Sales.

(a)​     Brief description of the application by City Staff (Community Planning);

(b)     The Chair will request that the City Clerk indicate all information, correspondence, petitions or reports received for the record.

(c)     The applicant is requested to make representation to Council regarding the project and is encouraged to limit their presentation to 15 minutes.

(d)     The Chair will call for representation from the public in attendance as follows:

    (i)     The microphone at the public podium has been provided for any person(s) wishing to make representation at the Hearing.

     (ii)     The Chair will recognize ONLY speakers at the podium.

     (iii)     Speakers are encouraged to limit their remarks to 5 minutes, however, if they have additional information they may address Council again after all other members of the public have been heard a first time.

(e)     Once the public has had an opportunity to comment, the applicant is given an opportunity to respond to any questions raised.  The applicant is requested to keep the response to a total of 10 minutes maximum.

(f)     Questions by staff by members of Council must be asked before the Public Hearing is closed and not during debate of the bylaw at the Regular Meeting, unless for clarification.

(g)     Final calls for respresentation (ask three times).  Unless Council directs that the Public Hearing on the bylaw in question be held open, the Chair shall state to the gallery that the Public Hearing on the Bylaw is closed.

Note:  Any applicant or member of the public may use visual aids (e.g. photographs, sketches, slideshows, etc.) to assist in their presentation or questions.  The computer and ELMO document camera at the public podium are available.  Please ask staff for assistance prior to your item if required.